Source code for galgebra.printer

ANSI Enhanced Text Printing, Text Printer and LaTeX Printer for all Geometric Algebra classes

import os
import sys
import io
import re
from sympy import Matrix, Basic, S, Symbol, Function, Derivative, Pow
from itertools import islice
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter, accepted_latex_functions
from sympy.core.function import _coeff_isneg
from sympy.core.operations import AssocOp
from sympy import init_printing
from . import utils

    from IPython.display import display, Latex, Math, display_latex
except ImportError:
    from sympy.interactive import printing
except ImportError:

from inspect import getouterframes, currentframe

ZERO_STR = ' 0 '

Format_cnt = 0

ip_cmds = \
\\newcommand{\\lp}{\\left (}
\\newcommand{\\rp}{\\right )}
\\newcommand{\\paren}[1]{\\lp {#1} \\rp}
\\newcommand{\\llt}{\\left <}
\\newcommand{\\rgt}{\\right >}
\\newcommand{\\abs}[1]{\\left |{#1}\\right | }
\\newcommand{\\pdiff}[2]{\\bfrac{\\partial {#1}}{\\partial {#2}}}
\\newcommand{\\npdiff}[3]{\\bfrac{\\partial^{#3} {#1}}{\\partial {#2}^{#3}}}
\\newcommand{\\lbrc}{\\left \\{}
\\newcommand{\\rbrc}{\\right \\}}
\\newcommand{\\grade}[1]{\\left < {#1} \\right >}
\\newcommand{\\f}[2]{{#1}\\lp {#2} \\rp}
\\newcommand{\\eval}[2]{\\left . {#1} \\right |_{#2}}$

print_replace_old = None
print_replace_new = None

SYS_CMD = {'linux2': {'rm': 'rm', 'evince': 'evince', 'null': ' > /dev/null', '&': '&'},
           'linux': {'rm': 'rm', 'evince': 'evince', 'null': ' > /dev/null', '&': '&'},
           'win32': {'rm': 'del', 'evince': 'start', 'null': ' > NUL', '&': ''},
           'darwin': {'rm': 'rm', 'evince': 'open', 'null': ' > /dev/null', '&': '&'}}

def print_replace(old='^',new='*'):
    global print_replace_old, print_replace_new
    print_replace_old = old
    print_replace_new = new

[docs]def isinteractive(): #Is ipython running """ We will assume that if ipython is running then jupyter notebook is running. """ try: __IPYTHON__ return True except NameError: return False
[docs]def find_executable(executable, path=None): """Try to find 'executable' in the directories listed in 'path' (a string listing directories separated by 'os.pathsep'; defaults to os.environ['PATH']). Returns the complete filename or None if not found """ if path is None: path = os.environ['PATH'] paths = path.split(os.pathsep) extlist = [''] if == 'os2': (_base, ext) = os.path.splitext(executable) # executable files on OS/2 can have an arbitrary extension, but # .exe is automatically appended if no dot is present in the name if not ext: executable = executable + ".exe" elif sys.platform == 'win32': pathext = os.environ['PATHEXT'].lower().split(os.pathsep) (_base, ext) = os.path.splitext(executable) if ext.lower() not in pathext: extlist = pathext for ext in extlist: execname = executable + ext if os.path.isfile(execname): return execname else: for p in paths: f = os.path.join(p, execname) if os.path.isfile(f): return f else: return None
[docs]def ostr(obj, dict_mode=False, indent=True): """ Recursively convert iterated object (list/tuple/dict/set) to string. """ def ostr_rec(obj, dict_mode): global ostr_s if isinstance(obj, Matrix): ostr_s += str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): if len(obj) == 0: ostr_s += '(),' else: ostr_s += '(' for obj_i in obj: ostr_rec(obj_i, dict_mode) ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] + '),' elif isinstance(obj, list): if len(obj) == 0: ostr_s += '[],' else: ostr_s += '[' for obj_i in obj: ostr_rec(obj_i, dict_mode) ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] + '],' elif isinstance(obj, dict): if dict_mode: ostr_s += '\n' for key in list(obj.keys()): ostr_rec(key, dict_mode) if ostr_s[-1] == ',': ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] ostr_s += ' -> ' ostr_rec(obj[key], dict_mode) if ostr_s[-1] == ',': ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] ostr_s += '\n' else: ostr_s += '{' for key in list(obj.keys()): ostr_rec(key, dict_mode) if ostr_s[-1] == ',': ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] ostr_s += ':' ostr_rec(obj[key], dict_mode) ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] + '} ' elif isinstance(obj, set): tmp_obj = list(obj) ostr_s += '{' for obj_i in tmp_obj: ostr_rec(obj_i, dict_mode) ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] + '},' else: ostr_s += str(obj) + ',' return global ostr_s ostr_s = '' if isinstance(obj, Matrix): ostr_s += '\n' + str(obj) return ostr_s elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list, dict, set)): ostr_rec(obj, dict_mode) ostr_s = ostr_s[:-1] else: ostr_s = str(obj) return ostr_s
def find_functions(expr): f_lst = [] for f in list(expr.atoms(Function)): if str(f) not in GaPrinter.function_names: f_lst.append(f) f_lst += list(expr.atoms(Derivative)) return f_lst
[docs]def coef_simplify(expr): """ fcts = find_functions(expr) return expr.collect(fcts) """ return expr
[docs]def oprint(*args, **kwargs): """ Debug printing for iterated (list/tuple/dict/set) objects. args is of form (title1,object1,title2,object2,...) and prints: title1 = object1 title2 = object2 ... If you only wish to print a title set object = None. """ if 'dict_mode' in kwargs: dict_mode = kwargs['dict_mode'] else: dict_mode = False if utils.isstr(args[0]) or args[0] is None: titles = list(islice(args, None, None, 2)) objs = tuple(islice(args, 1, None, 2)) if len(args) > 2: if objs[0] is None: n = 0 else: n = len(titles[0]) for (title, obj) in zip(titles[1:], objs[1:]): if obj is None: if not (dict_mode and isinstance(obj, dict)): n = max(n, len(title)) else: n = len(titles[0]) for (title, obj) in zip(titles, objs): if obj is None: print(title) else: npad = n - len(title) if isinstance(obj, dict): print(title + ':' + ostr(obj, dict_mode)) else: print(title + npad * ' ' + ' = ' + ostr(obj, dict_mode)) else: for arg in args: print(ostr(arg, dict_mode)) return
class Eprint: ColorCode = {'black': '0;30', 'bright gray': '0;37', 'blue': '0;34', 'white': '1;37', 'green': '0;32', 'bright blue': '1;34', 'cyan': '0;36', 'bright green': '1;32', 'red': '0;31', 'bright cyan': '1;36', 'purple': '0;35', 'bright red': '1;31', 'yellow': '0;33', 'bright purple': '1;35', 'dark gray': '1;30', 'bright yellow': '1;33', 'normal': '0'} InvColorCode = dict(list(zip(list(ColorCode.values()), list(ColorCode.keys())))) normal = '' base = '' fct = '' deriv = '' bold = '' defaults = {('win', 'base'): 'blue', ('unix', 'base'): 'blue', ('win', 'fct'): 'red', ('unix', 'fct'): 'red', ('win', 'deriv'): 'cyan', ('unix', 'deriv'): 'cyan'} def __init__(self, base=None, fct=None, deriv=None, on=True, debug=False): if on: OS = 'unix' if 'win' in sys.platform and 'darwin' not in sys.platform: OS = 'win' if base is None: Eprint.base = Eprint.ColorCode[Eprint.defaults[(OS, 'base')]] else: Eprint.base = Eprint.ColorCode[base] if fct is None: Eprint.fct = Eprint.ColorCode[Eprint.defaults[(OS, 'fct')]] else: Eprint.fct = Eprint.ColorCode[fct] if deriv is None: Eprint.deriv = Eprint.ColorCode[Eprint.defaults[(OS, 'deriv')]] else: Eprint.deriv = Eprint.ColorCode[deriv] Eprint.normal = '\033[0m' if debug: print('Enhanced Printing is on:') print('Base/Blade color is ' + Eprint.InvColorCode[Eprint.base]) print('Function color is ' + Eprint.InvColorCode[Eprint.fct]) print('Derivative color is ' + Eprint.InvColorCode[Eprint.deriv] + '\n') Eprint.base = '\033[' + Eprint.base + 'm' Eprint.fct = '\033[' + Eprint.fct + 'm' Eprint.deriv = '\033[' + Eprint.deriv + 'm' @staticmethod def Base(s): return Eprint.base + s + Eprint.normal @staticmethod def Fct(s): return Eprint.fct + s + Eprint.normal @staticmethod def Deriv(s): return Eprint.deriv + s + Eprint.normal @staticmethod def Strip(s): new_s = s.replace(Eprint.base, '') new_s = new_s.replace(Eprint.normal, '') return new_s
[docs]class GaPrinter(StrPrinter): function_names = ('acos', 'acosh', 'acot', 'acoth', 'arg', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'ceiling', 'conjugate', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cot', 'coth', 'exp', 'floor', 'im', 'log', 're', 'root', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'sign', 'tan', 'tanh', 'Abs') str_flg = True prev_fmt = 1 fmt = 1 dop_fmt =1 prev_dop_fmt = 1 lt_fmt = 1 prev_lt_fmt = 1 def _print_Function(self, expr): name = expr.func.__name__ if expr.func.nargs is not None: if name in GaPrinter.function_names: return(expr.func.__name__ + "(%s)" % self.stringify(expr.args, ", ")) return Eprint.Fct("%s" % (name,)) def _print_Derivative(self, expr): # Break the following to support both py 2 & 3 # function, *diff_args = expr.args function = expr.args[0] diff_args = expr.args[1:] xi = [] ni = [] for x, n in diff_args: if x in xi: i = xi.index(x) ni[i] += n else: xi.append(self._print(x)) ni.append(n) s = 'D' for x, n in zip(xi, ni): s += '{' + str(x) + '}' if n > 1: s += '^' + str(n) s += str(self._print(function)) return Eprint.Deriv(s) def _print_Matrix(self, expr): out_str = ostr(list(expr)) return out_str def _print_Mv(self, expr): if expr.obj == S(0): return ZERO_STR else: return expr.Mv_str() def _print_Pdop(self, expr): return expr.Pdop_str() def _print_Dop(self, expr): return expr.Dop_str() def _print_Sdop(self, expr): return expr.Sdop_str() def _print_Lt(self, expr): return expr.Lt_str() def _print_Mlt(self, expr): return expr.Mlt_str()
Basic.__str__ = lambda self: GaPrinter().doprint(self) Matrix.__str__ = lambda self: GaPrinter().doprint(self) Basic.__repr__ = lambda self: GaPrinter().doprint(self) Matrix.__repr__ = lambda self: GaPrinter().doprint(self) def enhance_print(): Eprint() return
[docs]class GaLatexPrinter(LatexPrinter): r""" The latex printer is turned on with the function (in - Format(Fmode=True,Dmode=True,ipy=False) where Fmode is the function printing mode that surpresses printing arguments, Dmode is the derivative printing mode that does not use fractions, and ipy=True is the Ipython notebook mode that does not redirect the print output. The latex output is post processed and displayed with the function (in - xpdf(filename='tmplatex.tex',debug=False) where filename is the name of the tex file one would keep for future inclusion in documents and debug=True would display the tex file immediately. There are three options for printing multivectors in latex. They are acessed with the multivector member function - A.Fmt(self,fmt=1,title=None) where fmt=1, 2, or 3 determines whether the entire multivector A is printed entirely on one line, or one grade is printed per line, or one base is printed per line. If title is not None then the latex string generated is of the form - title+' = '+str(A) where it is assumed that title is a latex math mode string. If title contains '%' it is treated as a pure latex math mode string. If it does not contain '%' then the following character mappings are applied - 'grad' -> '\bm{\nabla} ' '*' -> '' '^' -> '\W ' '|' -> '\cdot ' '>' -> '\lfloor ' '<' -> '\rfloor ' In the case of a print statement of the form - print title,A everthing in the title processing still applies except that the multivector formatting is one multivector per line. For print statements of the form - print title where no program variables are printed if title contains '#' then title is printed as regular latex line. If title does not contain '#' then title is printed in equation mode. '%' has the same effect in title as in the Fmt() member function. """ fmt = 1 prev_fmt = 1 dop_fmt =1 prev_dop_fmt = 1 lt_fmt = 1 prev_lt_fmt = 1 latex_flg = False latex_str = '' ipy = False inv_trig_style = None preamble = \ """ \\pagestyle{empty} \\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{tensor} \\usepackage{listings} \\usepackage{color} \\usepackage{xcolor} \\usepackage{bm} \\usepackage{breqn} \\definecolor{gray}{rgb}{0.95,0.95,0.95} \\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt} \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Tr}{Tr} \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Adj}{Adj} \\newcommand{\\bfrac}[2]{\\displaystyle\\frac{#1}{#2}} \\newcommand{\\lp}{\\left (} \\newcommand{\\rp}{\\right )} \\newcommand{\\paren}[1]{\\lp {#1} \\rp} \\newcommand{\\half}{\\frac{1}{2}} \\newcommand{\\llt}{\\left <} \\newcommand{\\rgt}{\\right >} \\newcommand{\\abs}[1]{\\left |{#1}\\right | } \\newcommand{\\pdiff}[2]{\\bfrac{\\partial {#1}}{\\partial {#2}}} \\newcommand{\\lbrc}{\\left \\{} \\newcommand{\\rbrc}{\\right \\}} \\newcommand{\\W}{\\wedge} \\newcommand{\\prm}[1]{{#1}'} \\newcommand{\\ddt}[1]{\\bfrac{d{#1}}{dt}} \\newcommand{\\R}{\\dagger} \\newcommand{\\deriv}[3]{\\bfrac{d^{#3}#1}{d{#2}^{#3}}} \\newcommand{\\grade}[1]{\\left < {#1} \\right >} \\newcommand{\\f}[2]{{#1}\\lp{#2}\\rp} \\newcommand{\\eval}[2]{\\left . {#1} \\right |_{#2}} \\newcommand{\\Nabla}{\\boldsymbol{\\nabla}} \\newcommand{\\eb}{\\boldsymbol{e}} \\usepackage{float} \\floatstyle{plain} % optionally change the style of the new float \\newfloat{Code}{H}{myc} \\lstloadlanguages{Python} \\begin{document} """ postscript = '\\end{document}\n' macros = '\\newcommand{\\f}[2]{{#1}\\left ({#2}\\right )}' Dmode = False # True - Print derivative contracted Fmode = False # True - Print function contracted latex_flg = False ipy = False # translate name, supers and subs to tex keywords greek = set(['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'zeta', 'eta', 'theta', 'iota', 'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu', 'nu', 'xi', 'omicron', 'pi', 'rho', 'sigma', 'tau', 'upsilon', 'phi', 'chi', 'psi', 'omega']) greek_translated = {'lamda': 'lambda', 'Lamda': 'Lambda'} other = set(['aleph', 'beth', 'daleth', 'gimel', 'ell', 'eth', 'hbar', 'hslash', 'mho', 'infty']) special_alphabet = list(reversed(sorted(list(greek) + list(other), key=len)))
[docs] @staticmethod def split_super_sub(text): """Split a symbol name into a name, superscripts and subscripts The first part of the symbol name is considered to be its actual 'name', followed by super- and subscripts. Each superscript is preceded with a "^" character or by "__". Each subscript is preceded by a "_" character. The three return values are the actual name, a list with superscripts and a list with subscripts. >>> from sympy.printing.conventions import split_super_sub >>> split_super_sub('a_x^1') ('a', ['1'], ['x']) >>> split_super_sub('var_sub1__sup_sub2') ('var', ['sup'], ['sub1', 'sub2']) """ def sub_split_super_sub(text): pos = 0 name = None supers = [] subs = [] while pos < len(text): start = pos + 1 if text[pos:pos + 2] == "__": start += 1 pos_hat = text.find("^", start) if pos_hat < 0: pos_hat = len(text) pos_usc = text.find("_", start) if pos_usc < 0: pos_usc = len(text) pos_next = min(pos_hat, pos_usc) part = text[pos:pos_next] pos = pos_next if name is None: name = part elif part.startswith("^"): supers.append(part[1:]) elif part.startswith("__"): supers.append(part[2:]) elif part.startswith("_"): subs.append(part[1:]) else: raise RuntimeError("This should never happen.") # make a little exception when a name ends with digits, i.e. treat them # as a subscript too. m = re.match('(^[a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)$', name) if m is not None: name, sub = m.groups() subs.insert(0, sub) return name, supers, subs if '*' not in text and '^' not in text: name, supers, subs = sub_split_super_sub(text) return '*', [name], [supers], [subs] if '*' in text: basis = text.split('*') split_flg = '*' if '^' in text: basis = text.split('^') split_flg = '^' name_lst = [] supers_lst = [] subs_lst = [] for base in basis: name, supers, subs = sub_split_super_sub(base) name_lst.append(name) supers_lst.append(supers) subs_lst.append(subs) return split_flg, name_lst, supers_lst, subs_lst
@staticmethod def redirect(): GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg = True GaLatexPrinter.Basic__str__ = Basic.__str__ GaLatexPrinter.Matrix__str__ = Matrix.__str__ Basic.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self) Matrix.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self) if GaLatexPrinter.ipy: pass else: GaLatexPrinter.stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = utils.StringIO() return @staticmethod def restore(): if GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: if not GaLatexPrinter.ipy: GaLatexPrinter.latex_str += sys.stdout.getvalue() GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg = False if not GaLatexPrinter.ipy: sys.stdout = GaLatexPrinter.stdout Basic.__str__ = GaLatexPrinter.Basic__str__ Matrix.__str__ = GaLatexPrinter.Matrix__str__ return def _print_Pow(self, expr): base = self._print(expr.base) if ('_' in base or '^' in base) and 'cdot' not in base: mode = True else: mode = False # Treat x**Rational(1,n) as special case if expr.exp.is_Rational and abs(expr.exp.p) == 1 and expr.exp.q != 1: #base = self._print(expr.base) expq = expr.exp.q if expq == 2: tex = r"\sqrt{%s}" % base elif self._settings['itex']: tex = r"\root{%d}{%s}" % (expq, base) else: tex = r"\sqrt[%d]{%s}" % (expq, base) if expr.exp.is_negative: return r"\frac{1}{%s}" % tex else: return tex elif self._settings['fold_frac_powers'] \ and expr.exp.is_Rational \ and expr.exp.q != 1: base, p, q = self._print(expr.base), expr.exp.p, expr.exp.q if mode: return r"{\left ( %s \right )}^{%s/%s}" % (base, p, q) else: return r"%s^{%s/%s}" % (base, p, q) elif expr.exp.is_Rational and expr.exp.is_negative and expr.base.is_Function: # Things like 1/x return r"\frac{%s}{%s}" % \ (1, self._print(Pow(expr.base, -expr.exp))) else: if expr.base.is_Function: return r"{%s}^{%s}" % (self._print(expr.base), self._print(expr.exp)) else: if expr.is_commutative and expr.exp == -1: #solves issue 1030 #As Mul always simplify 1/x to x**-1 #The objective is achieved with this hack #first we get the latex for -1 * expr, #which is a Mul expression tex = self._print(S.NegativeOne * expr).strip() #the result comes with a minus and a space, so we remove if tex[:1] == "-": return tex[1:].strip() if self._needs_brackets(expr.base): tex = r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}" else: if mode: tex = r"{\left ( %s \right )}^{%s}" else: tex = r"%s^{%s}" return tex % (self._print(expr.base), self._print(expr.exp)) def _print_Symbol(self, expr): nc_flg = False mode_dict = {'*': '', '^': '\\wedge '} def str_symbol(name_str): (mode, name_lst, supers_lst, subs_lst) = GaLatexPrinter.split_super_sub(name_str) def translate(s): tmp = s parse_dict = {} i_sub = 1 for glyph in GaLatexPrinter.special_alphabet: escaped_glyph = '\\' + glyph if glyph in tmp: parse_sym = '????' + str(i_sub) i_sub += 1 # If this glyph is already escaped, avoid escaping again translated_glyph = (escaped_glyph + ' ') if escaped_glyph not in tmp else glyph parse_dict[parse_sym] = translated_glyph tmp = tmp.replace(glyph, parse_sym) for parse_sym in parse_dict: tmp = tmp.replace(parse_sym, parse_dict[parse_sym]) for glyph in GaLatexPrinter.greek_translated: if glyph in tmp: tmp = tmp.replace(glyph, GaLatexPrinter.greek_translated[glyph]) return tmp s = '' for (name, supers, subs) in zip(name_lst, supers_lst, subs_lst): name = translate(name) if nc_flg: name = '\\boldsymbol{' + name +'}' if supers != []: supers = list(map(translate, supers)) if subs != []: subs = list(map(translate, subs)) # glue all items together: if len(supers) > 0: name += "^{%s}" % " ".join(supers) if len(subs) > 0: name += "_{%s}" % " ".join(subs) s += name + mode_dict[mode] if mode == '^': s = s[:-7] return s if expr in self._settings['symbol_names']: return self._settings['symbol_names'][expr] name_str = if isinstance(expr,Symbol) and not expr.is_commutative: nc_flg = True # Translate entry in general metric tensor a.b -> a \cdot b if '.' in name_str and name_str[0] == '(' and name_str[-1] == ')': name_str = name_str[1:-1] name_lst = name_str.split('.') name_str = r'\left ( ' + str_symbol(name_lst[0]) + r'\cdot ' + str_symbol(name_lst[1]) + r'\right ) ' return(name_str) return(str_symbol( def _print_Function(self, expr, exp=None): func = expr.func.__name__ name = func if hasattr(self, '_print_' + func): return getattr(self, '_print_' + func)(expr, exp) else: args = [str(self._print(arg)) for arg in expr.args] # How inverse trig functions should be displayed, formats are: # abbreviated: asin, full: arcsin, power: sin^-1 #inv_trig_style = self._settings['inv_trig_style'] _inv_trig_style = GaLatexPrinter.inv_trig_style # If we are dealing with a power-style inverse trig function inv_trig_power_case = False # If it is applicable to fold the argument brackets can_fold_brackets = self._settings['fold_func_brackets'] and \ len(args) == 1 and not self._needs_function_brackets(expr.args[0]) inv_trig_table = ["asin", "acos", "atan", "acot","acosh","asinh","atanh"] # If the function is an inverse trig function, handle the style if func in inv_trig_table: if GaLatexPrinter.inv_trig_style == "abbreviated": func = func elif GaLatexPrinter.inv_trig_style == "full": func = "arc" + func[1:] elif GaLatexPrinter.inv_trig_style == "power": func = func[1:] inv_trig_power_case = True # Can never fold brackets if we're raised to a power if exp is not None: can_fold_brackets = False if inv_trig_power_case: if func in accepted_latex_functions: name = r"\%s^{-1}" % func else: name = r"\operatorname{%s}^{-1}" % func elif exp is not None: if func in accepted_latex_functions: name = r"\%s^{%s}" % (func, exp) else: name = latex(Symbol(func)) + ' ' if '_' in func or '^' in func: name = r'{\left ( ' + name + r'\right ) }^{' + exp + '}' else: name += '^{' + exp + '}' else: if func in accepted_latex_functions: name = r"\%s" % func else: name = latex(Symbol(func)) + ' ' if exp is not None: if '_' in name or '^' in name: name = r'\left ( ' + name + r'\right )^{' + exp + '}' else: name += '^{' + exp + '}' if can_fold_brackets: if func in accepted_latex_functions: # Wrap argument safely to avoid parse-time conflicts # with the function name itself name += r" {%s}" else: if not GaLatexPrinter.Fmode: name += r"%s" else: if func in accepted_latex_functions or not GaLatexPrinter.Fmode: name += r"{\left (%s \right )}" if inv_trig_power_case and exp is not None: name += r"^{%s}" % exp if func in accepted_latex_functions or not GaLatexPrinter.Fmode: if len(args) == 1: name = name % args[0] else: name = name % ",".join(args) if 'det(g)' in name: name = name.replace('det(g)',r'\det\left ( g \right )') return name def _print_Derivative(self, expr): dim = len(expr.variables) imax = 1 if dim == 1: if GaLatexPrinter.Dmode: tex = r"\partial_{%s}" % self._print(expr.variables[0]) else: tex = r"\frac{\partial}{\partial %s}" % self._print(expr.variables[0]) else: multiplicity, i, tex = [], 1, "" current = expr.variables[0] for symbol in expr.variables[1:]: if symbol == current: i = i + 1 else: multiplicity.append((current, i)) current, i = symbol, 1 else: imax = max(imax, i) multiplicity.append((current, i)) if GaLatexPrinter.Dmode: tex = '' for x, i in multiplicity: if i == 1: tex += r"\partial_{%s}" % (self._print(x),) else: tex += r"\partial^{%i}_{%s}" % (i, self._print(x)) else: for x, i in multiplicity: if i == 1: tex += r"\partial %s" % self._print(x) else: tex += r"\partial^{%s} %s" % (i, self._print(x)) tex = r"\frac{\partial^{%s}}{%s} " % (dim, tex) if isinstance(expr.expr, AssocOp): s = r"%s\left(%s\right)" % (tex, self._print(expr.expr)) else: s = r"%s %s" % (tex, self._print(expr.expr)) return s def _print_Mv(self, expr): if expr.obj == S(0): return ZERO_STR else: return expr.Mv_latex_str() def _print_Pdop(self, expr): return expr.Pdop_latex_str() def _print_Dop(self, expr): return expr.Dop_latex_str() def _print_Sdop(self, expr): return expr.Sdop_latex_str() def _print_Lt(self, expr): return expr.Lt_latex_str() def _print_Mlt(self, expr): return expr.Mlt_latex_str() def _print_MatrixBase(self, expr): rows = expr.rows cols = expr.cols out_str = ' \\left [ \\begin{array}{' + (cols * 'c') + '} ' for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): out_str += latex(expr[row,col]) + ' & ' out_str = out_str[:-2] + ' \\\\ ' out_str = out_str[:-4] + ' \\end{array}\\right ] ' return out_str @staticmethod def latex(expr, **settings): if not isinstance(expr, list): return GaLatexPrinter(settings).doprint(expr) else: s = '\\begin{align*}' for x in expr: s += '\n & ' + latex(x) + ' \\\\' s += '\n\\end{align*}' return s
def latex(expr, **settings): return GaLatexPrinter(settings).doprint(expr)
[docs]def Format(Fmode=True, Dmode=True, dop=1, inverse='full'): """ Set modes for latex printer - Fmode: Suppress function arguments (True) Use sympy latex for functions (False) Dmode: Use compact form of derivatives (True) Use sympy latex for derivatives (False) and redirects printer output so that latex compiler can capture it. """ global Format_cnt GaLatexPrinter.Dmode = Dmode GaLatexPrinter.Fmode = Fmode GaLatexPrinter.inv_trig_style = inverse if Format_cnt == 0: Format_cnt += 1 GaLatexPrinter.dop = dop GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg = True GaLatexPrinter.redirect() Basic.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self) Matrix.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self) Basic.__repr__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self) Matrix.__repr__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self) if isinteractive(): init_printing(use_latex= 'mathjax') return
[docs]def tex(paper=(14, 11), debug=False, prog=False, pt='10pt'): """ Post processes LaTeX output (see comments below), adds preamble and postscript. We assume that if tex() is called then Format() has been called at the beginning of the program. """ latex_str = GaLatexPrinter.latex_str + sys.stdout.getvalue() GaLatexPrinter.latex_str = '' GaLatexPrinter.restore() r""" Each line in the latex_str is interpreted to be an equation or align environment. If the line does not begin with '\begin{align*}' then 'begin{equation*}' will be added to the beginning of the line and '\end{equation*}' to the end of the line. The latex strings generated by galgebra and sympy expressions for printing must not contain '\n' except as the final character. Thus all '\n' must be removed from a compound (not a simple type) expression and a '\n' added to the end of the string to delimit it when the string is generated. """ latex_lst = latex_str.split('\n') latex_str = '' lhs = '' code_flg = False for latex_line in latex_lst: if len(latex_line) > 0 and '##' == latex_line[:2]: if code_flg: code_flg = False latex_line = latex_line[2:] else: code_flg = True latex_line = latex_line[2:] elif code_flg: pass elif len(latex_line) > 0 and '#' in latex_line: # Non equation mode output (comment) latex_line = latex_line.replace('#', '') if '%' in latex_line: # Equation mode with no variables to print (comment) latex_line = latex_line.replace('%', '') if r'\begin{align*}' in latex_line: latex_line = r'\begin{align*}' + latex_line.replace(r'\begin{align*}', '') else: latex_line = '\\begin{equation*} ' + latex_line + ' \\end{equation*}\n' else: latex_line = latex_line.replace(r'\left.', r'@@') # Disabiguate '.' in '\left.' latex_line = latex_line.replace(r'\right.', r'##') # Disabiguate '.' in '\right.' latex_line = latex_line.replace('.', r' \cdot ') # For components of metric tensor latex_line = latex_line.replace(r'@@',r'\left.') # Restore '\left.' latex_line = latex_line.replace(r'##',r'\right.') # Restore '\right.' if '=' in latex_line: # determing lhs of equation/align eq_index = latex_line.rindex('=') + 1 lhs = latex_line[:eq_index] latex_line = latex_line.replace(lhs, '') if '%' in lhs: # Do not preprocess lhs of equation/align lhs = lhs.replace('%', '') else: # preprocess lhs of equation/align lhs = lhs.replace('|', r'\cdot ') lhs = lhs.replace('^{', r'@@ ') lhs = lhs.replace('^', r'\W ') lhs = lhs.replace(r'@@ ','^{') lhs = lhs.replace('*', ' ') lhs = lhs.replace('rgrad', r'\bar{\boldsymbol{\nabla}} ') lhs = lhs.replace('grad', r'\boldsymbol{\nabla} ') lhs = lhs.replace(r'>>', r' \times ') lhs = lhs.replace(r'<<', r' \bar{\times} ') lhs = lhs.replace('<', r'\rfloor ') # Check lhs = lhs.replace('>', r'\lfloor ') # Check latex_line = lhs + latex_line if r'\begin{align*}' in latex_line: # insert lhs of align environment latex_line = latex_line.replace(lhs, '') latex_line = latex_line.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{align*} ' + lhs) lhs = '' else: # normal sympy equation latex_line = latex_line.strip() if len(latex_line) > 0: latex_line = '\\begin{equation*} ' + latex_line + ' \\end{equation*}' latex_str += latex_line + '\n' latex_str = latex_str.replace('\n\n', '\n') if prog: prog_file = open(sys.argv[0], 'r') prog_str = prog_file.close() prog_str = '{\\Large \\bf Program:}\\begin{lstlisting}[language=Python,showspaces=false,' + \ 'showstringspaces=false]\n' + \ prog_str + '\n\\end{lstlisting}\n {\\Large \\bf Code Output:} \n' latex_str = prog_str + latex_str if debug: print(latex_str) if paper == 'letter': paper_size = \ """ \\documentclass[@10pt@,fleqn]{report} """ else: paper_size = \ """ \\documentclass[@10pt@,fleqn]{report} \\usepackage[vcentering]{geometry} """ if paper == 'landscape': paper = [11,8.5] paper_size += '\\geometry{papersize={' + str(paper[0]) + \ 'in,' + str(paper[1]) + 'in},total={' + str(paper[0] - 1) + \ 'in,' + str(paper[1] - 1) + 'in}}\n' paper_size = paper_size.replace('@10pt@',pt) latex_str = paper_size + GaLatexPrinter.preamble + latex_str + GaLatexPrinter.postscript return latex_str
[docs]def xpdf(filename=None, paper=(14, 11), crop=False, png=False, prog=False, debug=False, pt='10pt', pdfprog='pdflatex'): """ Post processes LaTeX output (see comments below), adds preamble and postscript, generates tex file, inputs file to latex, displays resulting pdf file. Arg Value Result pdfprog 'pdflatex' Use pdfprog to generate pdf output, only generate tex if pdfprog is None crop True Use "pdfcrop" to crop output file (pdfcrop must be installed, linux only) png True Use "convert" to produce png output (imagemagick must be installed, linux only) We assume that if xpdf() is called then Format() has been called at the beginning of the program. """ sys_cmd = SYS_CMD[sys.platform] latex_str = tex(paper=paper, debug=debug, prog=prog, pt=pt) if filename is None: pyfilename = sys.argv[0] rootfilename = pyfilename.replace('.py', '') filename = rootfilename + '.tex' if debug: print('latex file =', filename) latex_file = open(filename, 'w') latex_file.write(latex_str) latex_file.close() latex_str = None if pdfprog is None: return pdflatex = find_executable(pdfprog) if debug: print('pdflatex path =', pdflatex) if pdfprog is not None: if debug: # Display latex excution output for debugging purposes os.system(pdfprog + ' ' + filename[:-4]) else: # Works for Linux don't know about Windows os.system(pdfprog + ' ' + filename[:-4] + sys_cmd['null']) print_cmd = sys_cmd['evince'] + ' ' + filename[:-4] + '.pdf ' + sys_cmd['&'] print(print_cmd) os.system(print_cmd) eval(input('!!!!Return to continue!!!!\n')) if debug: os.system(sys_cmd['rm'] + ' ' + filename[:-4] + '.aux ' + filename[:-4] + '.log') else: os.system(sys_cmd['rm'] + ' ' + filename[:-4] + '.aux ' + filename[:-4] + '.log ' + filename[:-4] + '.tex') if crop: os.system('pdfcrop ' + filename[:-4] + '.pdf') os.remove(filename[:-4] + '.pdf') os.rename(filename[:-4] + '-crop.pdf', filename[:-4] + '.pdf') if png: os.system('Pdf2Png ' + filename[:-4]) return
def xdvi(filename=None, debug=False, paper=(14, 11)): xpdf(filename=filename, paper=paper, crop=False, png=False, prog=False, debug=debug, pt='10pt') return def LatexFormat(Fmode=True, Dmode=True, ipy=False): GaLatexPrinter.Dmode = Dmode GaLatexPrinter.Fmode = Fmode GaLatexPrinter.ipy = ipy GaLatexPrinter.redirect() return prog_str = '' off_mode = False def Get_Program(off=False): global prog_str, off_mode off_mode = off if off_mode: return prog_file = open(sys.argv[0], 'r') prog_str = prog_file.close() return def Print_Function(): global prog_str, off_mode if off_mode: return fct_name = str(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name) ifct = prog_str.find('def ' + fct_name) iend = prog_str.find('def ', ifct + 4) tmp_str = prog_str[ifct:iend - 1] fct_name = fct_name.replace('_', ' ') if GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: #print '#Code for '+fct_name print(r'##\\begin{lstlisting}[language=Python,showspaces=false,' + \ r'showstringspaces=false,backgroundcolor=\color{gray},frame=single]') print(tmp_str) print('##\\end{lstlisting}') print('#Code Output:') else: print('\n' + 80 * '*') #print '\nCode for '+fct_name print(tmp_str) print('Code output:\n') return import re as regrep op_cntrct = regrep.compile(r'(([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)(\||<|>)([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+))') op_wedge = regrep.compile(r'(([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)[\^]{1}([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)([\^]{1}([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+))*)') ops = r'[\^\|\<\>]+' ops_search = regrep.compile(r'(\^|\||<|>)+') parse_paren_calls = 0 global_dict = {} op_dict = {} op_lst = [] OPS = {'<>|': r'(([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)(\||<|>)([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+))', '^': r'(([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)[\^]{1}([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)([\^]{1}([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+))*)', '*': r'(([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)[\*]{1}([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+)([\*]{1}([A-Za-z0-9\_\#]+))*)'} def def_prec(gd, op_ord='<>|,^,*'): # Default is Doran and Lasenby convention global global_dict, op_dict, op_lst global_dict = gd op_lst = op_ord.split(',') op_dict = {} for op in op_lst: op_dict[op] = regrep.compile(OPS[op]) return def contains_interval(interval1, interval2): # interval1 inside interval2 if interval1[0] > interval2[0] and interval1[1] < interval2[1]: return True else: return False def parse_paren(line): global parse_paren_calls parse_paren_calls += 1 if ('(' not in line) or (')' not in line): return [[[line]]] level = 0 max_level = 0 ich = 0 paren_lst = [] for ch in line: if ch == '(': level += 1 paren_lst.append([level, ich]) if ch == ')': if level < 1: raise ValueError('Mismathed Parenthesis in: ' + line + '\n') paren_lst.reverse() iparen = 0 for elem in paren_lst: if elem[0] == level: paren_lst[iparen].append(ich) break iparen += 1 paren_lst.reverse() level -= 1 max_level = max(max_level, level) ich += 1 if level != 0: raise ValueError('Mismatched Parenthesis in: ' + line + '\n') if max_level > 0: level_lst = [] for _x in range(max_level + 1): level_lst.append([]) for group in paren_lst: level_lst[group[0]].append(group[1:]) ilevel = max_level while ilevel > 1: level = level_lst[ilevel] level_down = level_lst[ilevel - 1] igroup = 0 for group in level: igroup_down = 0 for group_down in level_down: if contains_interval(group, group_down): level_lst[ilevel][igroup].append(igroup_down) igroup_down += 1 igroup += 1 ilevel -= 1 ilevel = 1 for level in level_lst[1:]: igroup = 0 for group in level: token = '#' + str(parse_paren_calls) + '_' + str(ilevel) + '_' + str(igroup) + '#' level_lst[ilevel][igroup].append(line[group[0]:group[1] + 1]) level_lst[ilevel][igroup].append(token) igroup += 1 ilevel += 1 ilevel = 1 for level in level_lst[1:]: igroup = 0 for group in level: group.append(group[-2]) level_lst[ilevel][igroup] = group igroup += 1 ilevel += 1 ilevel = max_level while ilevel > 1: igroup = 0 for group in level_lst[ilevel]: group_down = level_lst[ilevel - 1][group[2]] replace_text = group_down[-1].replace(group[-3], group[-2]) level_lst[ilevel - 1][group[2]][-1] = replace_text igroup += 1 ilevel -= 1 for group in level_lst[1]: line = line.replace(group[2], group[3]) ilevel = 1 level_lst[0] = [[line]] return level_lst def unparse_paren(level_lst): line = level_lst[0][0][0] for level in level_lst[1:]: for group in level: new_string = group[-1] if new_string[:2] == '((' and new_string[-2:] == '))': new_string = new_string[1:-1] line = line.replace(group[-2], new_string) return line def sub_paren(s): string = return '(%s)' % string def add_paren(line, re_exprs): paren_flg = False if (line[0] == '(') and (line[-1] == ')'): paren_flg = True line = line[1:-1] if ('(' in line) or (')' in line): line_levels = parse_paren(line) ilevel = 0 for level in line_levels: igroup = 0 for group in level: group[-1] = regrep.sub(re_exprs, sub_paren, group[-1]) line_levels[ilevel][igroup] = group igroup += 1 ilevel += 1 line = unparse_paren(line_levels) else: line = regrep.sub(re_exprs, sub_paren, line) if paren_flg: line = '(' + line + ')' return line def parse_line(line): global op_lst, op_dict line = line.replace(' ', '') level_lst = parse_paren(line) ilevel = 0 for level in level_lst: igroup = 0 for group in level: string = group[-1] for op in op_lst: string = add_paren(string, op_dict[op]) level_lst[ilevel][igroup][-1] = string igroup += 1 ilevel += 1 line = unparse_paren(level_lst) return line
[docs]def GAeval(s, pstr=False): """ GAeval converts a string to a multivector expression where the user can control the precedence of the of the multivector operators so that one does not need to put parenthesis around every multivector operation. The default precedence used (high to low) is <,>, and | have an have the highest precedence, then comes ^, and finally *. The default precedence can be changed with the def_prec function. """ seval = parse_line(s) if pstr: print(s) print(seval) return eval(seval, global_dict)
r""" \begin{array}{c} \left ( \begin{array}{c} F,\\ \end{array} \right . \\ \begin{array}{c} F, \\ \end{array} \\ \left .\begin{array}{c} F \\ \end{array} \right ) \\ \end{array} """ def Fmt(obj,fmt=0): if isinstance(obj,(list,tuple,dict)): n = len(obj) if isinstance(obj,list): ldelim = '[' rdelim = ']' elif isinstance(obj,dict): ldelim = r'\{' rdelim = r'\}' else: ldelim = '(' rdelim = ')' if fmt == 1: latex_str = r' \left ' + ldelim + r' \begin{array}{' + n*'c' + '} ' for cell in obj: if isinstance(obj,dict): #cell.title = None latex_cell = latex(cell) + ' : '+ latex(obj[cell]) else: #title = cell.title #cell.title = None latex_cell = latex(cell) latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ') if cell.fmt != 1: latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{array}{c} ') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace('&','') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}', r'\\ \end{array} ') latex_str += latex_cell + ', & ' #cell.title = title latex_str = latex_str[:-4] latex_str += r'\\ \end{array} \right ' + rdelim + ' \n' else: latex_str = '' i = 1 for cell in obj: #title = cell.title #cell.title = None latex_cell = latex(cell) latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ') if GaLatexPrinter.fmt != 1: latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{array}{c} ') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace('&','') latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}', r'\\ \end{array} ') #cell.title = title if i == 1: latex_str += r'\begin{array}{c} \left ' + ldelim + r' ' + latex_cell + r', \right. \\ ' elif i == n: latex_str += r' \left. ' + latex_cell + r'\right ' + rdelim + r' \\ \end{array}' else: latex_str += r' ' + latex_cell + r', \\' i += 1 if isinteractive(): # For Ipython notebook if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str: latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r'\end{equation*}' return latex_str else: return latex_str elif isinstance(obj,int): GaLatexPrinter.prev_fmt = GaLatexPrinter.fmt GaLatexPrinter.fmt = obj return else: raise TypeError(str(type(obj)) + ' not allowed arg type in Fmt') if __name__ == "__main__": pass