Source code for

Multivector and Linear Multivector Differential Operator

import itertools
import copy
import numbers
import operator
# from compiler.ast import flatten
from .utils import flatten
from operator import itemgetter, mul, add
from itertools import combinations
from sympy import Symbol, Function, S, expand, Add, Mul, Pow, Basic, \
    sin, cos, sinh, cosh, sqrt, trigsimp, expand, \
    simplify, diff, Rational, Expr, Abs, collect, combsimp
from sympy import exp as sympy_exp
from sympy import N as Nsympy
from . import printer
from . import metric
from . import utils
from .printer import ZERO_STR
import sys
from functools import reduce, cmp_to_key

ONE = S(1)
ZERO = S(0)
HALF = Rational(1, 2)

half = Rational(1, 2)

modules = \
from sympy import symbols, sin, Function
from mv import Mv
from ga import Ga, half
from printer import Eprint, xdvi
from lt import Lt

########################### Multivector Class ##########################

[docs]class Mv(object): """ Wrapper class for multivector objects (self.obj) so that it is easy to overload operators (*,^,|,<,>) for the various multivector products and for printing. Also provides an __init__ fuction to easily instanciate multivector objects. Additionally, the functionality of the multivector derivative have been added via the special vector 'grad' so that one can take the geometric derivative of a multivector function 'A' by applying 'grad' from the left, 'grad*A', or the right 'A*grad' for both the left and right derivatives. The operator between the 'grad' and the 'A' can be any of the multivector product operators. If 'f' is a scalar function 'grad*f' is the usual gradient of a function. If 'A' is a vector function 'grad|f' is the divergence of 'A' and '-I*(grad^A)' is the curl of 'A' (I is the pseudo scalar for the geometric algebra) Data Variables - """ ################### Multivector initialization ##################### fmt = 1 latex_flg = False restore = False init_slots = {'f': (False, 'True if function of coordinates'), 'ga': (None, 'Geometric algebra to be used with multivectors'), 'coords': (None, 'Coordinates to be used with multivector function'), 'recp': (None, 'Normalization for reciprocal vector')} dual_mode_lst = ['+I','I+','+Iinv','Iinv+','-I','I-','-Iinv','Iinv-']
[docs] @staticmethod def setup(ga): """ Set up constant mutilvectors reqired for multivector class for a given geometric algebra, 'ga'. """ Mv.fmt = 1 basis = [Mv(x, ga=ga) for x in ga.basis] I = Mv(ga.iobj, ga=ga) # default pseudoscalar x = Mv('XxXx', 'vector', ga=ga) # testing vectors # return default basis vectors and grad vector if coords defined return I, basis, x
@staticmethod def Format(mode=1): Mv.latex_flg = True Mv.fmt = mode return
[docs] @staticmethod def Mul(A, B, op): """ Function for all types of geometric multiplications called by overloaded operators for *, ^, |, <, and >. """ if not isinstance(A, Mv): A = if not isinstance(B, Mv): B = if op == '*': return A * B elif op == '^': return A ^ B elif op == '|': return A | B elif op == '<': return A < B elif op == '>': return A > B else: raise ValueError('Operation ' + op + 'not allowed in Mv.Mul!') return
def characterise_Mv(self): if self.char_Mv: return obj = expand(self.obj) if isinstance(obj, numbers.Number): self.i_grade = 0 self.is_blade_rep = True self.grades = [0] return if obj.is_commutative: self.i_grade = 0 self.is_blade_rep = True self.grades = [0] return if isinstance(obj, Add): args = obj.args else: if obj in self.Ga.blades_lst: self.is_blade_rep = True self.i_grade = self.Ga.blades_to_grades_dict[obj] self.grades = [self.i_grade] self.char_Mv = True self.blade_flg = True return else: args = [obj] grades = [] #print 'args =', args self.is_blade_rep = True for term in args: if term.is_commutative: if 0 not in grades: grades.append(0) else: c, nc = term.args_cnc(split_1=False) blade = nc[0] #print 'blade =',blade if blade in self.Ga.blades_lst: grade = self.Ga.blades_to_grades_dict[blade] if not grade in grades: grades.append(grade) else: self.char_Mv = True self.is_blade_rep = False self.i_grade = None return if len(grades) == 1: self.i_grade = grades[0] else: self.i_grade = None self.grades = grades self.char_Mv = True return def make_grade(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a pure grade multivector. grade = kargs[1] self.i_grade = grade if utils.isstr(kargs[0]): root = kargs[0] + '__' if isinstance(kwargs['f'], bool) and not kwargs['f']: #Is a constant mulitvector function self.obj = sum([Symbol(root + super_script, real=True) * base for (super_script, base) in zip(self.Ga.blade_super_scripts[grade], self.Ga.blades[grade])]) else: if isinstance(kwargs['f'], bool): #Is a multivector function of all coordinates self.obj = sum([Function(root + super_script, real=True)(*self.Ga.coords) * base for (super_script, base) in zip(self.Ga.blade_super_scripts[grade], self.Ga.blades[grade])]) else: #Is a multivector function of tuple kwargs['f'] variables self.obj = sum([Function(root + super_script, real=True)(*kwargs['f']) * base for (super_script, base) in zip(self.Ga.blade_super_scripts[grade], self.Ga.blades[grade])]) else: if isinstance(kargs[0],(list,tuple)): if len(kargs[0]) <= len(self.Ga.blades[grade]): self.obj = sum([coef * base for (coef, base) in zip(kargs[0], self.Ga.blades[grade][:len(kargs[0])])]) else: pass else: pass return def make_scalar(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a scalar multivector if utils.isstr(kargs[0]): if 'f' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['f'],bool): if kwargs['f']: self.obj = Function(kargs[0])(*self.Ga.coords) else: self.obj = Symbol(kargs[0], real=True) else: if 'f' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['f'],tuple): self.obj = Function(kargs[0])(*kwargs['f']) else: self.obj = kargs[0] return def make_vector(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a vector multivector self.make_grade(*(kargs[0], 1), **kwargs) return def make_bivector(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a bivector multivector self.make_grade(*(kargs[0], 2), **kwargs) return def make_pseudo_scalar(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a pseudo scalar multivector self.make_grade(*(kargs[0], self.Ga.n), **kwargs) return def make_multivector(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a general (2**n components) multivector self.make_scalar(kargs[0], **kwargs) tmp = self.obj for grade in self.Ga.n_range: self.make_grade(*(kargs[0], grade + 1), **kwargs) tmp += self.obj self.obj = tmp return def make_spinor(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a general even (spinor) multivector self.make_scalar(kargs[0], **kwargs) tmp = self.obj for grade in self.Ga.n_range: if (grade + 1) % 2 == 0: self.make_grade(*(kargs[0], grade + 1), **kwargs) tmp += self.obj self.obj = tmp return def make_odd(self, *kargs, **kwargs): # Called by __init__ to make a general odd multivector self.make_scalar(kargs[0], **kwargs) tmp = S(0) for grade in self.Ga.n_range: if (grade + 1) % 2 == 1: self.make_grade(*(kargs[0], grade + 1), **kwargs) tmp += self.obj self.obj = tmp return init_dict = {'scalar': make_scalar, 'vector': make_vector, 'bivector': make_bivector, 'grade2': make_bivector, 'pseudo': make_pseudo_scalar, 'mv': make_multivector, 'spinor': make_spinor, 'even': make_spinor, 'odd': make_odd, 'grade': make_grade} def __init__(self, *kargs, **kwargs): if 'ga' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Geometric algebra key inplut 'ga' required") kwargs = metric.test_init_slots(Mv.init_slots, **kwargs) self.Ga = kwargs['ga'] self.recp = kwargs['recp'] # Normalization for reciprocal vectors self.char_Mv = False self.i_grade = None # if pure grade mv, grade value self.grades = None # list of grades in mv self.is_blade_rep = True # flag for blade representation self.blade_flg = None # if is_blade is called flag is set self.versor_flg = None # if is_versor is called flag is set self.coords = self.Ga.coords self.title = None if len(kargs) == 0: # default constructor 0 self.obj = S(0) self.i_grade = 0 elif len(kargs) == 1 and not utils.isstr(kargs[0]): # copy constructor x = kargs[0] if isinstance(x, Mv): self.obj = x.obj self.is_blade_rep = x.is_blade_rep self.i_grade = x.i_grade else: if isinstance(x, Expr): #copy constructor for obj expression self.obj = x else: #copy constructor for scalar obj expression self.obj = S(x) self.is_blade_rep = True self.characterise_Mv() else: if not isinstance(kargs[1],int): if utils.isstr(kargs[1]) and kargs[1] not in Mv.init_dict: raise ValueError('"' + str(kargs[1]) + '" not an allowed multivector type.') if utils.isstr(kargs[1]): mode = kargs[1] kargs = [kargs[0]] + list(kargs[2:]) Mv.init_dict[mode](self, *kargs, **kwargs) else: # kargs[1] = r (integer) Construct grade r multivector if kargs[1] == 0: Mv.init_dict['scalar'](self, *kargs, **kwargs) else: Mv.init_dict['grade'](self, *kargs, **kwargs) if utils.isstr(kargs[0]): self.title = kargs[0] self.characterise_Mv() ################# Multivector member functions ##################### def reflect_in_blade(self, blade): # Reflect mv in blade # See Mv class functions documentation if blade.is_blade(): self.characterise_Mv() blade.characterise_Mv() blade_inv = blade.rev() / blade.norm2() grade_dict = self.Ga.grade_decomposition(self) blade_grade = blade.i_grade reflect = Mv(0,'scalar',ga=self.Ga) for grade in list(grade_dict.keys()): if (grade * (blade_grade + 1)) % 2 == 0: reflect += blade * grade_dict[grade] * blade_inv else: reflect -= blade * grade_dict[grade] * blade_inv return reflect else: raise ValueError(str(blade) + 'is not a blade in reflect_in_blade(self, blade)') def project_in_blade(self,blade): # See Mv class functions documentation if blade.is_blade(): blade.characterise_Mv() blade_inv = blade.rev() / blade.norm2() return (self < blade) * blade_inv # < is left contraction else: raise ValueError(str(blade) + 'is not a blade in project_in_blade(self, blade)') def rotate_multivector(self,itheta,hint='-'): Rm = (-itheta/S(2)).exp(hint) Rp = (itheta/S(2)).exp(hint) return Rm * self * Rp def base_rep(self): if self.is_blade_rep: self.obj = self.Ga.blade_to_base_rep(self.obj) self.is_blade_rep = False return self else: return self def blade_rep(self): if self.is_blade_rep: return self else: self.obj = self.Ga.base_to_blade_rep(self.obj) self.is_blade_rep = True return self def __ne__(self, A): if isinstance(A, Mv): diff = (self - A).expand() if diff.obj == S(0): return False else: return True else: if self.is_scalar() and self.obj == A: return False else: return True def __eq__(self, A): if isinstance(A, Mv): diff = (self - A).expand().simplify() #diff = (self - A).expand() if diff.obj == S(0): return True else: return False else: if self.is_scalar() and self.obj == A: return True else: return False """ def __eq__(self, A): if not isinstance(A, Mv): if not self.is_scalar(): return False if expand(self.obj) == expand(A): return True else: return False if self.is_blade_rep != A.is_blade_rep: self = self.blade_rep() A = A.blade_rep() coefs, bases = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) Acoefs, Abases = metric.linear_expand(A.obj) if len(bases) != len(Abases): return False if set(bases) != set(Abases): return False for base in bases: index = bases.index(base) indexA = Abases.index(base) if expand(coefs[index]) != expand(Acoefs[index]): return False return True """ def __neg__(self): return Mv(-self.obj, ga=self.Ga) def __add__(self, A): if (not isinstance(A, Mv)) and (not isinstance(A, Dop)): return Mv(self.obj + A, ga=self.Ga) if != raise ValueError('In + operation Mv arguments are not from same geometric algebra') if isinstance(A, Dop): return Dop.Add(A, self) if self.is_blade_rep == A.is_blade_rep: return Mv(self.obj + A.obj, ga=self.Ga) else: if self.is_blade_rep: A = A.blade_rep() else: self = self.blade_rep() return Mv(self.obj + A.obj, ga=self.Ga) def __radd__(self, A): return(self + A) def __add_ab__(self, A): # self += A self.obj += A.obj self.char_Mv = False self.characterise_Mv() return(self) def __sub__(self, A): if (not isinstance(A, Mv)) and (not isinstance(A, Dop)): return Mv(self.obj - A, ga=self.Ga) if != raise ValueError('In - operation Mv arguments are not from same geometric algebra') if isinstance(A, Dop): return Dop.Add(self, -A) if self.is_blade_rep == A.is_blade_rep: return Mv(self.obj - A.obj, ga=self.Ga) else: if self.is_blade_rep: A = A.blade_rep() else: self = self.blade_rep() return Mv(self.obj - A.obj, ga=self.Ga) def __rsub__(self, A): return -self + A def __sub_ab__(self, A): # self -= A self.obj -= A.obj self.char_Mv = False self.characterise_Mv() return(self) def __mul__(self, A): if (not isinstance(A, Mv)) and (not isinstance(A, Dop)): return Mv(expand(A * self.obj), ga=self.Ga) if != raise ValueError('In * operation Mv arguments are not from same geometric algebra') if isinstance(A, Dop): return A.Mul(self, A, op='*') if self.is_scalar(): return Mv(self.obj * A, ga=self.Ga) if self.is_blade_rep and A.is_blade_rep: self = self.base_rep() A = A.base_rep() selfxA = Mv(self.Ga.mul(self.obj, A.obj), ga=self.Ga) selfxA.is_blade_rep = False selfxA = selfxA.blade_rep() self = self.blade_rep() A = A.blade_rep() elif self.is_blade_rep: self = self.base_rep() selfxA = Mv(self.Ga.mul(self.obj, A.obj), ga=self.Ga) selfxA.is_blade_rep = False selfxA = selfxA.blade_rep() self = self.blade_rep() elif A.is_blade_rep: A = A.base_rep() selfxA = Mv(self.Ga.mul(self.obj, A.obj), ga=self.Ga) selfxA.is_blade_rep = False selfxA = selfxA.blade_rep() A = A.blade_rep() else: selfxA = Mv(self.Ga.mul(self.obj, A.obj), ga=self.Ga) return selfxA def __rmul__(self, A): return Mv(expand(A * self.obj), ga=self.Ga) def __mul_ab__(self, A): # self *= A self.obj *= A.obj self.char_Mv = False self.characterise_Mv() return(self) def __div_ab__(self,A): # self /= A if isinstance(A,Mv): self *= A.inv() else: self *= S(1)/A return def __div__(self, A): if isinstance(A,Mv): return self * A.inv() else: return self * (S(1)/A) def __truediv__(self, A): if isinstance(A,Mv): return self * A.inv() else: return self * (S(1)/A) def __str__(self): if printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: Printer = printer.GaLatexPrinter else: Printer = printer.GaPrinter return Printer().doprint(self) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __getitem__(self,key): ''' get a specified grade of a multivector ''' return self.grade(key) def Mv_str(self): global print_replace_old, print_replace_new if self.i_grade == 0: return str(self.obj) self.obj = expand(self.obj) self.characterise_Mv() self.obj = metric.Simp.apply(self.obj) if self.is_blade_rep or self.Ga.is_ortho: base_keys = self.Ga.blades_lst grade_keys = self.Ga.blades_to_grades_dict else: base_keys = self.Ga.bases_lst grade_keys = self.Ga.bases_to_grades_dict if isinstance(self.obj, Add): # collect coefficients of bases if self.obj.is_commutative: return self.obj args = self.obj.args terms = {} # dictionary with base indexes as keys grade0 = S(0) for arg in args: c, nc = arg.args_cnc() if len(c) > 0: c = reduce(mul, c) else: c = S(1) if len(nc) > 0: base = nc[0] if base in base_keys: index = base_keys.index(base) if index in terms: (c_tmp, base, g_keys) = terms[index] terms[index] = (c_tmp + c, base, g_keys) else: terms[index] = (c, base, grade_keys[base]) else: grade0 += c if grade0 != S(0): terms[-1] = (grade0, S(1), -1) terms = list(terms.items()) sorted_terms = sorted(terms, key=itemgetter(0)) # sort via base indexes s = str(sorted_terms[0][1][0] * sorted_terms[0][1][1]) if printer.GaPrinter.fmt == 3: s = ' ' + s + '\n' if printer.GaPrinter.fmt == 2: s = ' ' + s old_grade = sorted_terms[0][1][2] for (key, (c, base, grade)) in sorted_terms[1:]: term = str(c * base) if printer.GaPrinter.fmt == 2 and old_grade != grade: # one grade per line old_grade = grade s += '\n' if term[0] == '-': term = ' - ' + term[1:] else: term = ' + ' + term if printer.GaPrinter.fmt == 3: # one base per line s += term + '\n' else: # one multivector per line s += term if s[-1] == '\n': s = s[:-1] if printer.print_replace_old is not None: s = s.replace(printer.print_replace_old,printer.print_replace_new) return s else: return str(self.obj) def Mv_latex_str(self): if self.obj == 0: return ZERO_STR self.first_line = True def append_plus(c_str): if self.first_line: self.first_line = False return c_str else: c_str = c_str.strip() if c_str[0] == '-': return ' ' + c_str else: return ' + ' + c_str # str representation of multivector self.obj = expand(self.obj) self.characterise_Mv() self.obj = metric.Simp.apply(self.obj) if self.obj == S(0): return ZERO_STR if self.is_blade_rep or self.Ga.is_ortho: base_keys = self.Ga.blades_lst grade_keys = self.Ga.blades_to_grades_dict else: base_keys = self.Ga.bases_lst grade_keys = self.Ga.bases_to_grades_dict if isinstance(self.obj, Add): args = self.obj.args else: args = [self.obj] terms = {} # dictionary with base indexes as keys grade0 = S(0) for arg in args: c, nc = arg.args_cnc(split_1=False) if len(c) > 0: c = reduce(mul, c) else: c = S(1) if len(nc) > 0: base = nc[0] if base in base_keys: index = base_keys.index(base) if index in terms: (c_tmp, base, g_keys) = terms[index] terms[index] = (c_tmp + c, base, g_keys) else: terms[index] = (c, base, grade_keys[base]) else: grade0 += c if grade0 != S(0): terms[-1] = (grade0, S(1), 0) terms = list(terms.items()) sorted_terms = sorted(terms, key=itemgetter(0)) # sort via base indexes if len(sorted_terms) == 1 and sorted_terms[0][1][2] == 0: # scalar return printer.latex(printer.coef_simplify(sorted_terms[0][1][0])) lines = [] old_grade = -1 s = '' for (index, (coef, base, grade)) in sorted_terms: coef = printer.coef_simplify(coef) #coef = simplify(coef) l_coef = printer.latex(coef) if l_coef == '1' and base != S(1): l_coef = '' if l_coef == '-1' and base != S(1): l_coef = '-' if base == S(1): l_base = '' else: l_base = printer.latex(base) if isinstance(coef, Add): cb_str = '\\left ( ' + l_coef + '\\right ) ' + l_base else: cb_str = l_coef + ' ' + l_base if printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt == 3: # One base per line lines.append(append_plus(cb_str)) elif printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt == 2: # One grade per line if grade != old_grade: old_grade = grade if not self.first_line: lines.append(s) s = append_plus(cb_str) else: s += append_plus(cb_str) else: # One multivector per line s += append_plus(cb_str) if printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt == 2: lines.append(s) if printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt >= 2: if len(lines) == 1: return lines[0] s = ' \\begin{align*} ' for line in lines: s += ' & ' + line + ' \\\\ ' s = s[:-3] + ' \\end{align*} \n' return s def __xor__(self, A): # wedge (^) product if (not isinstance(A, Mv)) and (not isinstance(A, Dop)): return Mv(A * self.obj, ga=self.Ga) if != raise ValueError('In ^ operation Mv arguments are not from same geometric algebra') if isinstance(A, Dop): return A.Mul(self, A, op='^') if self.is_scalar(): return self * A self = self.blade_rep() A = A.blade_rep() self_W_A = self.Ga.wedge(self.obj, A.obj) self_W_A = Mv(self_W_A, ga=self.Ga) return self_W_A def __rxor__(self, A): # wedge (^) product if not isinstance(A, Mv): return Mv(A * self.obj, ga=self.Ga) else: return A * self def __or__(self, A): # dot (|) product if (not isinstance(A, Mv)) and (not isinstance(A, Dop)): return Mv(ga=self.Ga) if != raise ValueError('In | operation Mv arguments are not from same geometric algebra') self.Ga.dot_mode = '|' if isinstance(A, Dop): return A.Mul(self, A, op='|') self = self.blade_rep() if self.is_scalar() or A.is_scalar(): return S(0) A = A.blade_rep() self_dot_A = Mv(, A.obj), ga=self.Ga) return self_dot_A def __ror__(self, A): # dot (|) product if not isinstance(A, Mv): return Mv(ga=self.Ga) else: return A | self def __pow__(self,n): # Integer power operator if not isinstance(n,int): raise ValueError('!!!!Multivector power can only be to integer power!!!!') result = S(1) for x in range(n): result *= self return result def __lshift__(self, A): # anti-comutator (<<) return half * (self * A + A * self) def __rshift__(self, A): # comutator (>>) return half * (self * A - A * self) def __rlshift__(self, A): # anti-comutator (<<) return half * (A * self + self * A) def __rrshift__(self, A): # comutator (>>) return half * (A * self - self * A) def __lt__(self, A): # left contraction (<) if (not isinstance(A, Mv)) and (not isinstance(A, Dop)): # sympy scalar return Mv(A * self.obj, ga=self.Ga) if != raise ValueError('In < operation Mv arguments are not from same geometric algebra') self.Ga.dot_mode = '<' if isinstance(A, Dop): return A.Mul(self, A, op='<') self = self.blade_rep() A = A.blade_rep() """ if A.is_scalar(): if self.is_scalar(): return self.obj * A.obj else: return S(0) """ self_lc_A = Mv(, A.obj), ga=self.Ga) return self_lc_A def __gt__(self, A): # right contraction (>) if (not isinstance(A, Mv)) and (not isinstance(A, Dop)): # sympy scalar return * self.scalar()) if != raise ValueError('In > operation Mv arguments are not from same geometric algebra') self.Ga.dot_mode = '>' if isinstance(A, Dop): return A.Mul(self, A, op='>') self = self.blade_rep() A = A.blade_rep() """ if self.is_scalar(): if A.is_scalar(): return self.obj * A.obj else: return S(0) """ self_rc_A = Mv(, A.obj), ga=self.Ga) return self_rc_A
[docs] def collect(self,deep=False): """ # group coeffients of blades of multivector # so there is only one coefficient per grade self.obj = expand(self.obj) if self.is_blade_rep or Mv.Ga.is_ortho: c = self.Ga.blades_lst else: c = self.Ga.bases_lst self.obj = self.obj.collect(c) return self """ coefs, bases = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) obj_dict = {} for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases): if base in list(obj_dict.keys()): obj_dict[base] += coef else: obj_dict[base] = coef obj = 0 for base in list(obj_dict.keys()): if deep: obj += collect(obj_dict[base])*base else: obj += obj_dict[base]*base self.obj = obj return(self)
def is_scalar(self): grades = self.Ga.grades(self.obj) if len(grades) == 1 and grades[0] == 0: return True else: return False def is_vector(self): grades = self.Ga.grades(self.obj) if len(grades) == 1 and grades[0] == 1: return True else: return False def is_blade(self): # True is self is blade, otherwise False # sets self.blade_flg and returns value if self.blade_flg is not None: return self.blade_flg else: if self.is_versor(): if self.i_grade is not None: self.blade_flg = True else: self.blade_flg = False else: self.blade_flg = False return self.blade_flg def is_base(self): (coefs, _bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) if len(coefs) > 1: return False else: return coefs[0] == ONE
[docs] def is_versor(self): # Test for versor (geometric product of vectors) """ This follows Leo Dorst's test for a versor. Leo Dorst, 'Geometric Algebra for Computer Science,' p.533 Sets self.versor_flg and returns value """ if self.versor_flg is not None: return self.versor_flg self.characterise_Mv() self.versor_flg = False self_rev = self.rev() # see if self*self.rev() is a scalar test = self*self_rev if not test.is_scalar(): return self.versor_flg # see if self*x*self.rev() returns a vector for x an arbitrary vector test = self * self.Ga.XOX * self.rev() self.versor_flg = test.is_vector() return self.versor_flg
def is_zero(self): if self.obj == 0: return True return False def scalar(self): # return scalar part of multivector # as sympy expression return self.Ga.scalar_part(self.obj) def get_grade(self, r): # return r-th grade of multivector as # a multivector return Mv(self.Ga.get_grade(self.obj, r), ga=self.Ga) def components(self): (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) bases_lst = self.Ga.blades_lst cb = list(zip(coefs, bases)) cb = sorted(cb, key=lambda x: self.Ga.blades_lst0.index(x[1])) terms = [] for (coef, base) in cb: terms.append( * base)) return terms def get_coefs(self, grade): (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) bases_lst = self.Ga.blades_lst cb = list(zip(coefs, bases)) cb = sorted(cb, key=lambda x: self.Ga.blades[grade].index(x[1])) (coefs, bases) = list(zip(*cb)) return coefs
[docs] def blade_coefs(self, blade_lst=None): """ For a multivector, A, and a list of basis blades, blade_lst return a list (sympy expressions) of the coefficients of each basis blade in blade_lst """ if blade_lst is None: blade_lst = [] + self.Ga.mv_blades_lst #print 'Enter blade_coefs blade_lst =', blade_lst, type(blade_lst), [i.is_blade() for i in blade_lst] for blade in blade_lst: if not blade.is_base() or not blade.is_blade(): raise ValueError("%s expression isn't a basis blade" % blade) blade_lst = [x.obj for x in blade_lst] (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) coef_lst = [] for blade in blade_lst: if blade in bases: coef_lst.append(coefs[bases.index(blade)]) else: coef_lst.append(ZERO) return coef_lst
[docs] def proj(self, bases_lst): """ Project multivector onto a given list of bases. That is find the part of multivector with the same bases as in the bases_lst. """ bases_lst = [x.obj for x in bases_lst] (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) obj = 0 for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases): if base in bases_lst: obj += coef * base return Mv(obj, ga=self.Ga)
def dual(self): mode = self.Ga.dual_mode_value sign = S(1) if '-' in mode: sign = -sign if 'Iinv' in mode: I = self.Ga.i_inv else: I = self.Ga.i if mode[0] == '+' or mode[0] == '-': return sign * I * self else: return sign * self * I def even(self): # return even parts of multivector return Mv(self.Ga.even_odd(self.obj, True), ga=self.Ga) def odd(self): # return odd parts of multivector return Mv(self.Ga.even_odd(self.obj, False), ga=self.Ga) def rev(self): self = self.blade_rep() return Mv(self.Ga.reverse(self.obj), ga=self.Ga) __invert__ = rev # allow `~x` to call x.rev() def diff(self, coord): Dself = Mv(ga=self.Ga) if self.Ga.coords is None: Dself.obj = diff(self.obj, coord) return Dself elif coord not in self.Ga.coords: if self.Ga.par_coords is None: Dself.obj = diff(self.obj, coord) elif coord not in self.Ga.par_coords: Dself.obj = diff(self.obj, coord) else: Dself.obj = diff(self.obj, coord) for x_coord in self.Ga.coords: f = self.Ga.par_coords[x_coord] if f != S(0): tmp1 = self.Ga.pDiff(self.obj, x_coord) tmp2 = diff(f, coord) Dself.obj += tmp1 * tmp2 Dself.characterise_Mv() return Dself else: Dself.obj = self.Ga.pDiff(self.obj, coord) Dself.characterise_Mv() return Dself def pdiff(self, var): return Mv(self.Ga.pDiff(self.obj, var), ga=self.Ga)
[docs] def Grad(self, coords, mode='*', left=True): """ Returns various derivatives (*,^,|,<,>) of multivector functions with respect to arbitrary coordinates, 'coords'. This would be used where you have a multivector function of both the basis coordinate set and and auxilliary coordinate set. Consider for example a linear transformation in which the matrix coefficients depend upon the manifold coordinates, but the vector being transformed does not and you wish to take the divergence of the linear transformation with respect to the linear argument. """ return Mv(self.Ga.Diff(self, mode, left, coords=coords), ga=self.Ga)
[docs] def exp(self, hint='-'): # Calculate exponential of multivector """ Only works if square of multivector is a scalar. If square is a number we can determine if square is > or < zero and hence if one should use trig or hyperbolic functions in expansion. If square is not a number use 'hint' to determine which type of functions to use in expansion """ self = self.blade_rep() self_sq = self * self if self_sq.is_scalar(): sq = simplify(self_sq.obj) # sympy expression for self**2 if sq == S(0): # sympy expression for self**2 = 0 return self + S(1) (coefs,bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) if len(coefs) == 1: # Exponential of scalar * base base = bases[0] base_Mv = base_sq = (base_Mv*base_Mv).scalar() if hint == '-': # base^2 < 0 base_n = sqrt(-base_sq) return*coefs[0]) + sin(base_n*coefs[0])*(bases[0]/base_n)) else: # base^2 > 0 base_n = sqrt(base_sq) return*coefs[0]) + sinh(base_n*coefs[0])*(bases[0]/base_n)) if sq.is_number: # Square is number, can test for sign if sq > S(0): norm = sqrt(sq) value = self.obj / norm tmp = Mv(cosh(norm) + sinh(norm) * value, ga=self.Ga) tmp.is_blade_rep = True return tmp else: norm = sqrt(-sq) value = self.obj / norm tmp = Mv(cos(norm) + sin(norm) * value, ga=self.Ga) tmp.is_blade_rep = True return tmp else: if hint == '+': norm = simplify(sqrt(sq)) value = self.obj / norm tmp = Mv(cosh(norm) + sinh(norm) * value, ga=self.Ga) tmp.is_blade_rep = True return tmp else: norm = simplify(sqrt(-sq)) value = self.obj / norm obj = cos(norm) + sin(norm) * value tmp = Mv(cos(norm) + sin(norm) * value, ga=self.Ga) tmp.is_blade_rep = True return tmp else: raise ValueError('"' + str(self) + '**2" is not a scalar in exp.')
def set_coef(self, igrade, ibase, value): if self.blade_rep: base = self.Ga.blades[igrade][ibase] else: base = self.Ga.bases[igrade][ibase] (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) bases_lst = list(bases) # python 2.5 if base in bases: self.obj += (value - coefs[bases_lst.index(base)]) * base else: self.obj += value * base return
[docs] def Fmt(self, fmt=1, title=None): """ Set format for printing of multivectors - fmt = 1 - One multivector per line fmt = 2 - One grade per line fmt = 3 - one base per line Usage for multivector A example is - A.Fmt('2','A') output is 'A = '+str(A) with one grade per line. Works for both standard printing and for latex. """ if printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: printer.GaLatexPrinter.prev_fmt = printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt = fmt else: printer.GaPrinter.prev_fmt = printer.GaPrinter.fmt printer.GaPrinter.fmt = fmt if title is not None: self.title = title if printer.isinteractive(): return self if Mv.latex_flg: latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self) printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt = printer.GaLatexPrinter.prev_fmt if title is not None: return title + ' = ' + latex_str else: return latex_str else: s = str(self) printer.GaPrinter.fmt = printer.GaPrinter.prev_fmt if title is not None: return title + ' = ' + s else: return s return
def _repr_latex_(self): latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self) if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str: if self.title is None: latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}' else: latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + self.title + ' = ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}' else: if self.title is not None: latex_str = latex_str.replace('&',' ' + self.title + ' =&',1) return latex_str def norm2(self): reverse = self.rev() product = self * reverse if product.is_scalar(): return product.scalar() else: raise TypeError('"(' + str(product) + ')**2" is not a scalar in norm2.')
[docs] def norm(self, hint='+'): """ If A is a multivector and A*A.rev() is a scalar then A.norm() = sqrt(Abs(A*A.rev())) The problem in simplifing the norm is that if A is symbolic you don't know if A*A.rev() is positive or negative. The use of the hint argument is as follows: hint A.norm() '+' sqrt(A*A.rev()) '-' sqrt(-A*A.rev()) '0' sqrt(Abs(A*A.rev())) The default hint='+' is correct for vectors in a Euclidean vector space. For bivectors in a Euclidean vector space use hint='-'. In a mixed signature space all bets are off for the norms of symbolic expressions. """ reverse = self.rev() product = self * reverse if product.is_scalar(): product = product.scalar() if product.is_number: if product >= S(0): return sqrt(product) else: return sqrt(-product) else: if hint == '+': return metric.square_root_of_expr(product) elif hint == '-': return metric.square_root_of_expr(-product) else: return sqrt(Abs(product)) else: raise TypeError('"(' + str(product) + ')" is not a scalar in norm.')
__abs__=norm # allow `abs(x)` to call z.norm() def inv(self): if self.is_scalar(): # self is a scalar return self_sq = self * self if self_sq.is_scalar(): # self*self is a scalar """ if self_sq.scalar() == S(0): raise ValueError('!!!!In multivector inverse, A*A is zero!!!!') """ return (S(1)/self_sq.obj)*self self_rev = self.rev() self_self_rev = self * self_rev if(self_self_rev.is_scalar()): # self*self.rev() is a scalar """ if self_self_rev.scalar() == S(0): raise ValueError('!!!!In multivector inverse A*A.rev() is zero!!!!') """ return (S(1)/self_self_rev.obj) * self_rev raise TypeError('In inv() for self =' + str(self) + 'self, or self*self or self*self.rev() is not a scalar') def func(self, fct): # Apply function, fct, to each coefficient of multivector (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) s = S(0) for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases): s += fct(coef) * base fct_self = Mv(s, ga=self.Ga) fct_self.characterise_Mv() return fct_self def trigsimp(self): return self.func(trigsimp) def simplify(self, modes=simplify): (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) obj = S(0) if isinstance(modes, list) or isinstance(modes, tuple): for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases): for mode in modes: coef = mode(coef) obj += coef * base else: for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases): obj += modes(coef) * base self.obj = obj return self def subs(self, d): # For each scalar coef of the multivector apply substitution argument d (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) obj = S(0) for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases): obj += coef.subs(d) * base #self.obj = obj #return self return def expand(self): coefs,bases = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) new_coefs = [] for coef in coefs: new_coefs.append(expand(coef)) obj = 0 for coef,base in zip(new_coefs,bases): obj += coef * base self.obj = obj return self def list(self): (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(self.obj) indexes = [] key_coefs = [] for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases): if base in self.Ga.basis: index = self.Ga.basis.index(base) key_coefs.append((coef, index)) indexes.append(index) for index in self.Ga.n_range: if index not in indexes: key_coefs.append((S(0), index)) key_coefs = sorted(key_coefs, key=itemgetter(1)) coefs = [x[0] for x in key_coefs] return coefs def grade(self, r=0): return self.get_grade(r)
[docs] def pure_grade(self): """ For pure grade return grade. If not pure grade return negative of maximum grade """ self.characterise_Mv() if self.i_grade is not None: return self.i_grade return -self.grades[-1]
[docs]def compare(A,B): """ Determine is B = c*A where c is a scalar. If true return c otherwise return 0. """ if isinstance(A, Mv) and isinstance(B, Mv): Acoefs, Abases = metric.linear_expand(A.obj) Bcoefs, Bbases = metric.linear_expand(B.obj) if len(Acoefs) != len(Bcoefs): return 0 if Abases != Bbases: return 0 if Bcoefs[0] != 0 and Abases[0] == Bbases[0]: c = simplify(Acoefs[0]/Bcoefs[0]) print('c =',c) else: return 0 for acoef,abase,bcoef,bbase in zip(Acoefs[1:],Abases[1:],Bcoefs[1:],Bbases[1:]): print(acoef,'\n',abase,'\n',bcoef,'\n',bbase) if bcoef != 0 and abase == bbase: print('c-a/b =',simplify(c-(acoef/bcoef))) if simplify(acoef/bcoef) != c: return 0 else: pass else: return 0 return c else: raise TypeError('In compare both arguments are not multivectors\n')
################ Scalar Partial Differential Operator Class ############
[docs]class Sdop(object): """ Scalar differential operator is of the form (Einstein summation) D = c_{i}*D_{i} where the c_{i}'s are scalar coefficient (they could be functions) and the D_{i}'s are partial differential operators. """ init_slots = {'ga': (None, 'Associated geometric algebra')} ga = None str_mode = False @staticmethod def setGa(ga): = ga Pdop.setGa(ga) return def TSimplify(self): new_terms = [] for (coef, pdiff) in self.terms: new_terms.append((metric.Simp.apply(coef), pdiff)) self.terms = new_terms return
[docs] @staticmethod def consolidate_coefs(sdop): """ Remove zero coefs and consolidate coefs with repeated pdiffs. """ if isinstance(sdop, Sdop): terms = sdop.terms else: terms = sdop new_coefs = [] new_pdiffs = [] for (coef, pd) in terms: if coef != S(0): if pd in new_pdiffs: index = new_pdiffs.index(pd) new_coefs[index] += coef else: new_coefs.append(coef) new_pdiffs.append(pd) new_terms = list(zip(new_coefs, new_pdiffs)) if isinstance(sdop, Sdop): return Sdop(new_terms, ga=sdop.Ga) else: return new_terms
def simplify(self, modes=simplify): coefs, pdiffs = list(zip(*self.terms)) new_coefs = [] for coef in coefs: new_coefs.append(metric.apply_function_list(modes,coef)) self.terms = list(zip(new_coefs,pdiffs)) return self def sort_terms(self): # self.terms.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), # terms are in the form of (coef, pdiff) # so we need to first extract pdiff and then use to compare self.terms.sort(key=cmp_to_key(lambda term1, term2 :[1], term2[1]))) return def Sdop_str(self): if len(self.terms) == 0: return ZERO_STR self.sort_terms() s = '' for (coef, pdop) in self.terms: coef_str = printer.latex(coef) pd_str = printer.latex(pdop) if coef == S(1): s += pd_str elif coef == S(-1): s += '-' + pd_str else: if isinstance(coef, Add): s += '(' + coef_str + ')*' + pd_str else: s += coef_str + '*' + pd_str s += ' + ' s = s.replace('+ -','- ') s = s[:-3] if Sdop.str_mode: if len(self.terms) > 1 or isinstance(self.terms[0][0], Add): s = '(' + s + ')' return s def Sdop_latex_str(self): if len(self.terms) == 0: return ZERO_STR self.sort_terms() s = '' for (coef, pdop) in self.terms: coef_str = printer.latex(coef) pd_str = printer.latex(pdop) if coef == S(1): if pd_str == '': s += '1' else: s += pd_str elif coef == S(-1): if pd_str == '': s += '-1' else: s += '-' + pd_str else: if isinstance(coef, Add): s += r'\left ( ' + coef_str + r'\right ) ' + pd_str else: s += coef_str + ' ' + pd_str s += ' + ' s = s.replace('+ -','- ') return s[:-3] def _repr_latex_(self): latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self) return ' ' + latex_str + ' ' def __str__(self): if printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: Printer = printer.GaLatexPrinter else: Printer = printer.GaPrinter return Printer().doprint(self) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __init__(self, *kargs, **kwargs): """ The scalar differential operator structure is of the form (Einstein summation) D = c_{i}D_{i} where the c_{i}'s are scalar coefficients and the D_{i}'s are partial differential operator (class Pdop). D is stored in the structure self.terms = [(c_{1},D_{1}),(c_{2},D_{2}),...]. """ kwargs = metric.test_init_slots(Sdop.init_slots, **kwargs) self.Ga = kwargs['ga'] # Associated geometric algebra (coords) if self.Ga is None: if is None: raise ValueError('In Sdop.__init__ self.Ga must be defined.') else: self.Ga = if len(kargs[0]) == 0: # identity Dop self.terms = [(S(1), self.Ga.Pdop_identity)] elif len(kargs[0]) == 1 and isinstance(kargs[0],Symbol): # Simple Pdop of order 1 self.terms = [(S(1), self.Ga.pdop(kargs[0]))] else: if len(kargs) == 2 and isinstance(kargs[0],list) and isinstance(kargs[1],list): if len(kargs[0]) != len(kargs[1]): raise ValueError('In Sdop.__init__ coefficent list and Pdop list must be same length.') self.terms = list(zip(kargs[0],kargs[1])) elif len(kargs) == 1 and isinstance(kargs[0],list): self.terms = kargs[0] else: raise ValueError('In Sdop.__init__ length of kargs must be 1 or 2 kargs = '+str(kargs)) def __call__(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, Sdop): if self.Ga != arg.Ga: raise ValueError('In Sdop.__call__ self.Ga != arg.Ga.') terms = [] for (coef, pdiff) in self.terms: new_terms = pdiff(arg.terms) new_terms = [ (coef * x[0], x[1]) for x in new_terms] terms += new_terms return Sdop(terms, ga=self.Ga) else: return sum([x[0] * x[1](arg) for x in self.terms]) def __neg__(self): return Sdop([(-x[0], x[1]) for x in self.terms], ga=self.Ga) @staticmethod def Add(sdop1, sdop2): if isinstance(sdop1, Sdop) and isinstance(sdop1, Sdop): if sdop1.Ga != sdop2.Ga: raise ValueError('In Sdop.Add sdop1.Ga != sdop2.Ga.') coefs1, pdiffs1 = list(zip(*sdop1.terms)) coefs2, pdiffs2 = list(zip(*sdop2.terms)) pdiffs1 = list(pdiffs1) pdiffs2 = list(pdiffs2) pdiffs = pdiffs1 + [x for x in pdiffs2 if x not in pdiffs1] coefs = len(pdiffs) * [S(0)] for pdiff in pdiffs1: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coef = coefs1[pdiffs1.index(pdiff)] coefs[index] += coef for pdiff in pdiffs2: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coef = coefs2[pdiffs2.index(pdiff)] coefs[index] += coef sdop_sum = Sdop(coefs, pdiffs, ga=sdop1.Ga) elif isinstance(sdop1, Sdop): coefs, pdiffs = list(zip(*sdop1.terms)) if sdop1.Ga.Pdop_identity in pdiffs: index = pdiffs.index(sdop1.Ga.Pdop_identity) coef[index] += sdop2 else: coef.append(sdop2) pdiff.append(sdop1.Ga.Pdop_identity) return Sdop(coefs, pdiffs, ga=sdop1.Ga) else: coefs, pdiffs = list(zip(*sdop2.terms)) if sdop2.Ga.Pdop_identity in pdiffs: index = pdiffs.index(sdop2.Ga.Pdop_identity) coef[index] += sdop1 else: coef.append(sdop1) pdiff.append(sdop2.Ga.Pdop_identity) sdop_sum = Sdop(coefs, pdiffs, ga=sdop2.Ga) return Sdop.consolidate_coefs(sdop_sum) def __eq__(self, sdop): if isinstance(sdop, Sdop): if self.Ga != sdop.Ga: return False self = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(self) sdop = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(sdop) if len(self.terms) != len(sdop.terms): return False if set(self.terms) != set(sdop.terms): return False return True else: return False def __add__(self, sdop): return Sdop.Add(self, sdop) def __radd__(self, sdop): return Sdop(self, sdop) def __add_ab__(self, sdop): if isinstance(sdop, Sdop): if self.Ga != sdop.Ga: raise ValueError('In Sdop.__add_ab__ self.Ga != sdop.Ga.') coefs, pdiffs = list(zip(*self.terms)) pdiffs = list(pdiffs) coefs = list(coefs) for (coef, pdiff) in sdop.terms: if pdiff in pdiffs: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coefs[index] += coef else: pdiffs.append(pdiff) coefs.append(coef) self.term = list(zip(coefs, pdiffs)) self = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(self) return elif isinstance(sdop, tuple): self.term.append(sdop) self = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(self) return else: self.terms.append((sdop, self.Ga.Pdop_identity)) self = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(self) return def __sub__(self, sdop): return Sdop.Add(self, -sdop) def __rsub__(self, sdop): return Sdop.Add(-self, sdop) def __mul__(self, sdopr): sdopl = self if isinstance(sdopl, Sdop) and isinstance(sdopr, Sdop): if sdopl.Ga != sdopr.Ga: raise ValueError('In Sdop.__mul__ Sdop arguments are not from same geometric algebra') terms = [] for (coef, pdiff) in sdopl.terms: Dsdopl = pdiff(sdopr.terms) # list of terms Dsdopl = [(coef * x[0], x[1]) for x in Dsdopl] terms += Dsdopl product = Sdop(terms, ga=sdopl.Ga) return Sdop.consolidate_coefs(product) else: if not isinstance(sdopl, Sdop): # sdopl is a scalar terms = [(sdopl * x[0], x[1]) for x in sdopr.terms] product = Sdop(terms, ga=sdopr.Ga) # returns Sdop return Sdop.consolidate_coefs(product) else: # sdopr is a scalar or a multivector return sum([x[0] * x[1](sdopr) for x in sdopl.terms]) # returns scalar def __rmul__(self,sdop): terms = [(sdop * x[0], x[1]) for x in self.terms] return Sdop(terms, ga=self.Ga)
#################### Partial Derivative Operator Class #################
[docs]class Pdop(object): r""" Partial derivative class for multivectors. The partial derivatives are of the form \partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}} = \partial^{i_{1}+...+i_{n}}/\partial{x_{1}^{i_{1}}}...\partial{x_{n}^{i_{n}}}. If i_{j} = 0 then the partial derivative does not contain the x^{i_{j}} coordinate. The partial derivative is represented by a dictionary with coordinates for keys and key value are the number of times one differentiates with respect to the key. """ ga = None init_slots = {'ga': (None, 'Associated geometric algebra')} @staticmethod def setGa(ga): = ga return @staticmethod def compare(pdop1, pdop2): # compare two Pdops if pdop1.order > pdop2.order: return 1 if pdop1.order < pdop2.order: return -1 keys1 = list(pdop1.pdiffs.keys()) keys2 = list(pdop2.pdiffs.keys()) lkeys1 = len(keys1) lkeys2 = len(keys2) if lkeys1 == lkeys2: s1 = ''.join([str(pdop1.Ga.coords.index(x)) for x in keys1]) s2 = ''.join([str(pdop1.Ga.coords.index(x)) for x in keys2]) if s1 < s2: return -1 else: return 1 else: if lkeys1 < lkeys2: return 1 else: return -1 def __eq__(self,A): if isinstance(A, Pdop) and == and self.pdiffs == A.pdiffs: return True else: if len(self.pdiffs) == 0 and A == S(1): return True return False def __init__(self, *kargs, **kwargs): """ The partial differential operator is a partial derivative with respect to a set of real symbols (variables). The allowed variables are in two lists. self.Ga.coords is a list of the coordinates associated with the geometric algebra. self.Ga.auxvars is a list of auxiallary symbols that have be added to the geometric algebra using the member function Ga.AddVars(self,auxvars). The data structure of a Pdop is the dictionary self.pdiffs where the keys are the variables of differentiation and the values are the order of differentiation of with respect to the variable. """ kwargs = metric.test_init_slots(Pdop.init_slots, **kwargs) self.Ga = kwargs['ga'] # Associated geometric algebra self.order = 0 if self.Ga is None: if is None: raise ValueError('In Pdop.__init__ self.Ga must be defined.') else: self.Ga = # use geometric algebra of class Pdop if kargs[0] is None: # Pdop is the identity (1) self.pdiffs = {} elif isinstance(kargs[0], dict): # Pdop defined by dictionary self.pdiffs = kargs[0] elif isinstance(kargs[0],Symbol): # First order derivative with respect to symbol self.pdiffs = {kargs[0]:1} else: raise ValueError('In pdop kargs = ', str(kargs)) for x in list(self.pdiffs.keys()): # self.order is total number of differentiations self.order += self.pdiffs[x]
[docs] def factor(self): """ If partial derivative operator self.order > 1 factor out first order differential operator. Needed for application of partial derivative operator to product of sympy expression and partial differential operator. For example if D = Pdop({x:3}) then (Pdop({x:2}),Pdop({x:1})) = D.factor() """ if self.order == 1: return S(0), self else: x = list(self.pdiffs.keys())[0] self.order -= 1 n = self.pdiffs[x] if n == 1: del self.pdiffs[x] else: self.pdiffs[x] -= 1 return self, self.Ga.Pdiffs[x]
def __call__(self, arg): """ Calculate nth order partial derivative (order defined by self) of Mv, Dop, Sdopm or sympy expression """ if self.pdiffs == {}: return arg # result is Pdop identity (1) if isinstance(arg, Pdop): # arg is Pdop if != raise ValueError('In Pdop.__call__ arguments do not belong to same geometric algebra.') elif arg.pdiffs == {}: # arg is one return self #return S(0) # derivative is zero else: # arg is partial derivative pdiffs = copy.copy(arg.pdiffs) for key in self.pdiffs: if key in pdiffs: pdiffs[key] += self.pdiffs[key] else: pdiffs[key] = self.pdiffs[key] return Pdop(pdiffs,ga=self.Ga) # result is Pdop elif isinstance(arg, Mv): # arg is multivector for x in self.pdiffs: for i in range(self.pdiffs[x]): arg = self.Ga.pDiff(arg, x) return arg # result is multivector elif isinstance(arg, (Expr, Symbol, numbers.Number)): # arg is sympy expression for x in self.pdiffs: arg = diff(arg,x,self.pdiffs[x]) return arg # derivative is sympy expression elif isinstance(arg, list): # arg is list of tuples (coef, partial derivative) D = copy.deepcopy(self) terms = copy.deepcopy(arg) while True: D, D0 = D.factor() k = 0 for term in terms: dc = D0(term[0]) pd = D0(term[1]) #print 'D0, term, dc, pd =', D0, term, dc, pd tmp = [] if dc != 0: tmp.append((dc,term[1])) if pd != 0 : tmp.append((term[0],pd)) terms[k] = tmp k += 1 terms = [i for o in terms for i in o] # flatten list one level if D == 0: break terms = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(terms) return terms # result is list of tuples (coef, partial derivative) elif isinstance(arg, Sdop): # arg is scalar differential operator if self.Ga != arg.Ga: raise ValueError('In Pdop.__call__ self.Ga != arg.Ga.') return self(arg.terms) # result is list of tuples (coef, partial derivative) else: raise ValueError('In Pdop.__call__ type(arg) = ' + str(type(arg)) + ' not allowed.') def __mul__(self, pdop): # functional product of self and arg (self*arg) return self(pdop) def __rmul__(self, pdop): # functional product of arg and self (arg*self) if isinstance(pdop, Pdop): return pdop(self) return Sdop([(pdop, self)], ga=self.Ga) def Pdop_str(self): if self.order == 0: return 'D{}' s = 'D' for x in self.pdiffs: s += '{' + str(x) + '}' n = self.pdiffs[x] if n > 1: s += '^' + str(n) return s def Pdop_latex_str(self): if self.order == 0: return '' s = r'\frac{\partial' if self.order > 1: s += '^{' + printer.latex(self.order) + '}' s += '}{' keys = list(self.pdiffs.keys()) keys.sort(key=(self.Ga.coords + keys).index) for key in keys: i = self.pdiffs[key] s += r'\partial ' + printer.latex(key) if i > 1: s += '^{' + printer.latex(i) + '}' s += '}' return s def _repr_latex_(self): latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self) return ' ' + latex_str + ' ' def __str__(self): if printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: Printer = printer.GaLatexPrinter else: Printer = printer.GaPrinter return Printer().doprint(self) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
################# Multivector Differential Operator Class ##############
[docs]class Dop(object): r""" Differential operator class for multivectors. The operators are of the form D = D^{i_{1}...i_{n}}\partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}} where the D^{i_{1}...i_{n}} are multivector functions of the coordinates x_{1},...,x_{n} and \partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}} are partial derivative operators \partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}} = \partial^{i_{1}+...+i_{n}}/\partial{x_{1}^{i_{1}}}...\partial{x_{n}^{i_{n}}}. If * is any multivector multiplicative operation then the operator D operates on the multivector function F by the following definitions D*F = D^{i_{1}...i_{n}}*\partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}}F returns a multivector and F*D = F*D^{i_{1}...i_{n}}\partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}} returns a differential operator. If the 'cmpflg' in the operator is set to 'True' the operation returns F*D = (\partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}}F)*D^{i_{1}...i_{n}} a multivector function. For example the representation of the grad operator in 3d would be: D^{i_{1}...i_{n}} = [e__x,e__y,e__z] \partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}} = [(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)]. See LaTeX documentation for definitions of operator algebraic operations +, -, *, ^, |, <, and >. """ init_slots = {'ga': (None, 'Associated geometric algebra'), 'cmpflg': (False, 'Complement flag for Dop'), 'debug': (False, 'True to print out debugging information'), 'fmt_dop': (1, '1 for normal dop partial derivative formating')} ga = None @staticmethod def setGa(ga): # set geometric algebra globally for all Dop's = ga Sdop.setGa(ga) return @staticmethod def flatten_one_level(lst): return [inner for outer in lst for inner in outer] def __init__(self, *kargs, **kwargs): kwargs = metric.test_init_slots(Dop.init_slots, **kwargs) self.cmpflg = kwargs['cmpflg'] # Complement flag (default False) self.Ga = kwargs['ga'] # Associated geometric algebra if self.Ga is None: if is None: raise ValueError('In Dop.__init__ self.Ga must be defined.') else: self.Ga = self.dop_fmt = kwargs['fmt_dop'] # Partial derivative output format (default 1) self.title = None if len(kargs[0]) == 0: # identity Dop self.terms = [(S(1),self.Ga.Pdop_identity)] else: if len(kargs) == 2: if len(kargs[0]) != len(kargs[1]): raise ValueError('In Dop.__init__ coefficent list and Pdop list must be same length.') self.terms = list(zip(kargs[0],kargs[1])) elif len(kargs) == 1: if isinstance(kargs[0][0][0], Mv): # Mv expansion [(Mv, Pdop)] self.terms = kargs[0] elif isinstance(kargs[0][0][0], Sdop): # Sdop expansion [(Sdop, Mv)] coefs = [] pdiffs = [] for (sdop, mv) in kargs[0]: for (coef, pdiff) in sdop.terms: if pdiff in pdiffs: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coefs[index] += coef * mv else: pdiffs.append(pdiff) coefs.append(coef * mv) self.terms = list(zip(coefs, pdiffs)) else: raise ValueError('In Dop.__init__ kargs[0] form not allowed. kargs = ' + str(kargs)) else: raise ValueError('In Dop.__init__ length of kargs must be 1 or 2.')
[docs] def simplify(self, modes=simplify): """ Simplify each multivector coefficient of a partial derivative """ new_coefs = [] new_pd = [] for (coef, pd) in self.terms: tmp = coef.simplify(modes=modes) new_coefs.append(tmp) new_pd.append(pd) self.terms = list(zip(new_coefs, new_pd)) return Dop(new_coefs, new_pd, ga=self.Ga, cmpflg=self.cmpflg)
[docs] def consolidate_coefs(self): """ Remove zero coefs and consolidate coefs with repeated pdiffs. """ new_coefs = [] new_pdiffs = [] for (coef, pd) in self.terms: if isinstance(coef, Mv) and coef.is_scalar(): coef = coef.obj if coef != S(0): if pd in new_pdiffs: index = new_pdiffs.index(pd) new_coefs[index] += coef else: new_coefs.append(coef) new_pdiffs.append(pd) self.terms = list(zip(new_coefs, new_pdiffs)) return Dop(new_coefs, new_pdiffs, ga=self.Ga, cmpflg=self.cmpflg)
def blade_rep(self): N = len(self.blades) coefs = N * [[]] bases = N * [0] for term in self.terms: for (coef, base) in metric.linear_expand(self.terms[0].obj, mode=False): index = self.blades.index(base) coefs[index] = coef bases[index] = base @staticmethod def Add(dop1, dop2): if isinstance(dop1, Dop) and isinstance(dop2, Dop): if != raise ValueError('In Dop.Add Dop arguments are not from same geometric algebra') if dop1.cmpflg != dop2.cmpflg: raise ValueError('In Dop.Add complement flags have different values: %s vs. %s' % (dop1.cmpflg, dop2.cmpflg)) coefs1, pdiffs1 = list(zip(*dop1.terms)) coefs2, pdiffs2 = list(zip(*dop2.terms)) pdiffs1 = list(pdiffs1) pdiffs2 = list(pdiffs2) pdiffs = pdiffs1 + [x for x in pdiffs2 if x not in pdiffs1] coefs = len(pdiffs) * [S(0)] for pdiff in pdiffs1: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coef = coefs1[pdiffs1.index(pdiff)] coefs[index] += coef for pdiff in pdiffs2: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coef = coefs2[pdiffs2.index(pdiff)] coefs[index] += coef return Dop(coefs, pdiffs, cmpflg=dop1.cmpflg, ga=dop1.Ga) else: if isinstance(dop1, Dop): # dop1 is Dop if not isinstance(dop2, Mv): dop2 = dop2 = Dop([dop2], [dop1.Ga.Pdop_identity], cmpflg=dop1.cmpflg, ga=dop1.Ga) else: # dop2 is Dop if not isinstance(dop1, Mv): dop1 = dop1 = Dop([dop1], [dop2.Ga.Pdop_identity], cmpflg=dop2.cmpflg, ga=dop2.Ga) return Dop.Add(dop1, dop2) def __add__(self, dop): return Dop.Add(self, dop) def __radd__(self, dop): return Dop.Add(dop, self) def __neg__(self): coefs, pdiffs = list(zip(*self.terms)) coefs = [-x for x in coefs] neg = Dop(coefs, pdiffs, ga=self.Ga, cmpflg=self.cmpflg) return neg def __sub__(self, dop): return Dop.Add(self, -dop) def __rsub__(self, dop): return Dop.Add(dop, -self) @staticmethod def Mul(dopl, dopr, op='*'): # General multiplication of Dop's # cmpflg is True if the Dop operates on the left argument and # False if the Dop operates on the right argument if isinstance(dopl, Dop) and isinstance(dopr, Dop): if dopl.Ga != dopr.Ga: raise ValueError('In Dop.Mul Dop arguments are not from same geometric algebra') if dopl.cmpflg != dopr.cmpflg: raise ValueError('In Dop.Mul Dop arguments do not have same cmplfg') if not dopl.cmpflg: # dopl and dopr operate on right argument terms = [] for (coef, pdiff) in dopl.terms: #Apply each dopl term to dopr Ddopl = pdiff(dopr.terms) # list of terms Ddopl = [(Mv.Mul(coef, x[0], op=op), x[1]) for x in Ddopl] terms += Ddopl product = Dop(terms, ga=dopl.Ga) else: # dopl and dopr operate on left argument terms = [] for (coef, pdiff) in dopr.terms: Ddopr = pdiff(dopl.terms) # list of terms Ddopr = [(Mv.Mul(x[0], coef, op=op), x[1]) for x in Ddopr] terms += Ddopr product = Dop(terms, ga=dopr.Ga, cmpflg=True) else: if not isinstance(dopl, Dop): # dopl is a scalar or Mv and dopr is Dop if isinstance(dopl, Mv) and dopl.Ga != dopr.Ga: raise ValueError('In Dop.Mul Dop arguments are not from same geometric algebra') else: dopl = if not dopr.cmpflg: # dopr operates on right argument terms = [(Mv.Mul(dopl, x[0], op=op), x[1]) for x in dopr.terms] return Dop(terms, ga=dopr.Ga) # returns Dop else: product = sum([Mv.Mul(x[1](dopl), x[0], op=op) for x in dopr.terms]) # returns multivector else: # dopr is a scalar or a multivector if isinstance(dopr, Mv) and dopl.Ga != dopr.Ga: raise ValueError('In Dop.Mul Dop arguments are not from same geometric algebra') if not dopl.cmpflg: # dopl operates on right argument return sum([Mv.Mul(x[0], x[1](dopr), op=op) for x in dopl.terms]) # returns multivector else: terms = [(Mv.Mul(x[0], dopr, op=op), x[1]) for x in dopl.terms] product = Dop(terms, ga=dopl.Ga, cmpflg=True) # returns Dop complement if isinstance(product, Dop): product.consolidate_coefs() return product def TSimplify(self): new_terms = [] for (coef, pdiff) in self.terms: new_terms.append((metric.Simp.apply(coef), pdiff)) self.terms = new_terms return def __div__(self, a): if isinstance(a, (Mv, Dop)): raise TypeError('!!!!Can only divide Dop by sympy scalar expression!!!!') else: return (1/a) * self def __mul__(self, dopr): # * geometric product return Dop.Mul(self, dopr, op='*') def __truediv__(self, dopr): if isinstance(dopr, (Dop, Mv)): raise ValueError('In Dop.__truediv__ dopr must be a sympy scalar.') terms = [] for term in self.terms: terms.append((term[0]/dopr,term[1])) return Dop(terms, ga= self.Ga) def __rmul__(self, dopl): # * geometric product return Dop.Mul(dopl, self, op='*') def __xor__(self, dopr): # ^ outer product return Dop.Mul(self, dopr, op='^') def __rxor__(self, dopl): # ^ outer product return Dop.Mul(dopl, self, op='^') def __or__(self, dopr): # | inner product return Dop.Mul(self, dopr, op='|') def __ror__(self, dopl): # | inner product return Dop.Mul(dopl, self, op='|') def __lt__(self, dopr): # < left contraction return Dop.Mul(self, dopr, op='<') def __gt__(self, dopr): # > right contraction return Dop.Mul(self, dopr, op='>') def __eq__(self, dop): if isinstance(dop, Dop): if self.Ga != dop.Ga: return False self = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(self) dop = Sdop.consolidate_coefs(dop) if len(self.terms) != len(dop.terms): return False if set(self.terms) != set(dop.terms): return False return True else: return False def __str__(self): if printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: Printer = printer.GaLatexPrinter else: Printer = printer.GaPrinter return Printer().doprint(self) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def _repr_latex_(self): latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self) if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str: if self.title is None: latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}' else: latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + self.title + ' = ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}' else: if self.title is not None: latex_str = latex_str.replace('&',' ' + self.title + ' =&',1) return latex_str def is_scalar(self): for x in self.terms: if isinstance(x[0], Mv) and not x[0].is_scalar(): return False return True def components(self): dop_lst = [] for (sdop, base) in self.Dop_mv_expand(): new_coefs = [] new_pdiffs = [] for (coef, pdiff) in sdop.terms: if pdiff in new_pdiffs: index = new_pdiffs.index(pdiff) new_coefs[index] += coef * base else: new_pdiffs.append(pdiff) new_coefs.append(coef * base) new_coefs = [Mv(x, ga=self.Ga) for x in new_coefs] terms = list(zip(new_coefs, new_pdiffs)) dop_lst.append(Dop(terms, ga=self.Ga)) return tuple(dop_lst) def Dop_mv_expand(self, modes=None): coefs = [] bases = [] self.consolidate_coefs() for (coef, pdiff) in self.terms: if isinstance(coef, Mv) and not coef.is_scalar(): mv_terms = metric.linear_expand(coef.obj, mode=False) for (mv_coef, mv_base) in mv_terms: if mv_base in bases: index = bases.index(mv_base) coefs[index] += Sdop([(mv_coef, pdiff)], ga=self.Ga) else: bases.append(mv_base) coefs.append(Sdop([(mv_coef, pdiff)], ga=self.Ga)) else: if isinstance(coef, Mv): mv_coef = coef.obj else: mv_coef = coef if S(1) in bases: index = bases.index(S(1)) coefs[index] += Sdop([(mv_coef, pdiff)], ga=self.Ga) else: bases.append(S(1)) coefs.append(Sdop([(mv_coef, pdiff)], ga=self.Ga)) if modes is not None: for i in range(len(coefs)): coefs[i] = coefs[i].simplify(modes) terms = list(zip(coefs, bases)) return sorted(terms, key=lambda x: self.Ga.blades_lst0.index(x[1])) def Dop_str(self): if len(self.terms) == 0: return ZERO_STR mv_terms = self.Dop_mv_expand(modes=simplify) s = '' for (sdop, base) in mv_terms: str_base = printer.latex(base) str_sdop = printer.latex(sdop) if base == S(1): s += str_sdop else: if len(sdop.terms) > 1: if self.cmpflg: s += '(' + str_sdop + ')*' + str_base else: s += str_base + '*(' + str_sdop + ')' else: if str_sdop[0] == '-' and not isinstance(sdop.terms[0][0], Add): if self.cmpflg: s += str_sdop + '*' + str_base else: s += '-' + str_base + '*' + str_sdop[1:] else: if self.cmpflg: s += str_sdop + '*' + str_base else: s += str_base + '*' + str_sdop s += ' + ' s = s.replace('+ -','-') return s[:-3] def Dop_latex_str(self): if len(self.terms) == 0: return ZERO_STR self.consolidate_coefs() mv_terms = self.Dop_mv_expand(modes=simplify) s = '' for (sdop, base) in mv_terms: str_base = printer.latex(base) str_sdop = printer.latex(sdop) if base == S(1): s += str_sdop else: if str_sdop == '1': s += str_base if str_sdop == '-1': s += '-' + str_base if str_sdop[1:] != '1': s += ' ' + str_sdop[1:] else: if len(sdop.terms) > 1: if self.cmpflg: s += r'\left ( ' + str_sdop + r'\right ) ' + str_base else: s += str_base + ' ' + r'\left ( ' + str_sdop + r'\right ) ' else: if str_sdop[0] == '-' and not isinstance(sdop.terms[0][0], Add): if self.cmpflg: s += str_sdop + str_base else: s += '-' + str_base + ' ' + str_sdop[1:] else: if self.cmpflg: s += str_sdop + ' ' + str_base else: s += str_base + ' ' + str_sdop s += ' + ' s = s.replace('+ -','-') Sdop.str_mode = False return s[:-3] def Fmt(self, fmt=1, title=None, dop_fmt=None): if printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg: printer.GaLatexPrinter.prev_fmt = printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt printer.GaLatexPrinter.prev_dop_fmt = printer.GaLatexPrinter.dop_fmt else: printer.GaPrinter.prev_fmt = printer.GaPrinter.fmt printer.GaPrinter.prev_dop_fmt = printer.GaPrinter.dop_fmt if title is not None: self.title = title if printer.isinteractive(): return self if Mv.latex_flg: latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self) printer.GaLatexPrinter.fmt = printer.GaLatexPrinter.prev_fmt printer.GaLatexPrinter.dop_fmt = printer.GaLatexPrinter.prev_dop_fmt if title is not None: return title + ' = ' + latex_str else: return latex_str else: s = str(self) printer.GaPrinter.fmt = printer.GaPrinter.prev_fmt printer.GaPrinter.dop_fmt = printer.GaPrinter.prev_dop_fmt if title is not None: return title + ' = ' + s else: return s return @staticmethod def basic(ga): r_basis = list(ga.r_basis) if not ga.is_ortho: r_basis = [x / ga.e_sq for x in r_basis] if ga.norm: r_basis = [x / e_norm for (x, e_norm) in zip(r_basis, ga.e_norm)] ga.lgrad = Dop(r_basis, ga.pdx, ga=ga) ga.rgrad = Dop(r_basis, ga.pdx, ga=ga, cmpflg=true) return ga.lgrad, ga.rgrad
################################# Alan Macdonald's additions ######################### def Nga(x, prec=5): if isinstance(x, Mv): Px = Mv(x, ga=x.Ga) Px.obj = Nsympy(x.obj, prec) return(Px) else: return(Nsympy(x, prec)) def printeigen(M): # Print eigenvalues, multiplicities, eigenvectors of M. evects = M.eigenvects() for i in range(len(evects)): # i iterates over eigenvalues print(('Eigenvalue =', evects[i][0], ' Multiplicity =', evects[i][1], ' Eigenvectors:')) for j in range(len(evects[i][2])): # j iterates over eigenvectors of a given eigenvalue result = '[' for k in range(len(evects[i][2][j])): # k iterates over coordinates of an eigenvector result += str(trigsimp(evects[i][2][j][k]).evalf(3)) if k != len(evects[i][2][j]) - 1: result += ', ' result += '] ' print(result) def printGS(M, norm=False): # Print Gram-Schmidt output. from sympy import GramSchmidt global N N = GramSchmidt(M, norm) result = '[ ' for i in range(len(N)): result += '[' for j in range(len(N[0])): result += str(trigsimp(N[i][j]).evalf(3)) if j != len(N[0]) - 1: result += ', ' result += '] ' if j != len(N[0]) - 1: result += ' ' result += ']' print(result) def printrref(matrix, vars="xyzuvwrs"): # Print rref of matrix with variables. rrefmatrix = matrix.rref()[0] rows, cols = rrefmatrix.shape if len(vars) < cols - 1: print('Not enough variables.') return for i in range(rows): result = '' for j in range(cols - 1): result += str(rrefmatrix[i, j]) + vars[j] if j != cols - 2: result += ' + ' result += ' = ' + str(rrefmatrix[i, cols - 1]) print(result) def com(A, B): raise ImportError( """ is removed, please use, B) instead.""") def correlation(u, v, dec=3): # Compute the correlation coefficient of vectors u and v. rows, cols = u.shape uave = 0 vave = 0 for i in range(rows): uave += u[i] vave += v[i] uave = uave / rows vave = vave / rows ulocal = u[:, :] # Matrix copy vlocal = v[:, :] for i in range(rows): ulocal[i] -= uave vlocal[i] -= vave return / (ulocal.norm() * vlocal.norm()). evalf(dec) def cross(v1, v2): if v1.is_vector() and v2.is_vector() and == and v1.Ga.n == 3: return -v1.Ga.I() * (v1 ^ v2) else: raise ValueError(str(v1) + ' and ' + str(v2) + ' not compatible for cross product.') def dual(A): if isinstance(A, Mv): return A.dual() else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in dual(A)') def even(A): if not isinstance(A,Mv): raise ValueError('A = ' + str(A) + ' not a multivector in even(A).') return A.even() def odd(A): if not isinstance(A,Mv): raise ValueError('A = ' + str(A) + ' not a multivector in even(A).') return A.odd() def exp(A,hint='-'): if isinstance(A,Mv): return A.exp(hint) else: return sympy_exp(A) def grade(A, r=0): if isinstance(A, Mv): return A.grade(r) else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in grade(A,r)') def inv(A): if not isinstance(A,Mv): raise ValueError('A = ' + str(A) + ' not a multivector in inv(A).') return A.inv() def norm(A, hint='+'): if isinstance(A, Mv): return A.norm(hint=hint) else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in norm(A)') def norm2(A): if isinstance(A, Mv): return A.norm2() else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in norm(A)') def proj(B, A): # Project on the blade B the multivector A if isinstance(A,Mv): return A.project_in_blade(B) else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in proj(B,A)') def rot(itheta, A, hint='-'): # Rotate by the 2-blade itheta the multivector A if isinstance(A,Mv): return A.rotate_multivector(itheta, hint) else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in rotate(A,itheta)') def refl(B, A): # Project on the blade B the multivector A if isinstance(A,Mv): return A.reflect_in_blade(B) else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in reflect(B,A)') def rev(A): if isinstance(A, Mv): return A.rev() else: raise ValueError('A not a multivector in rev(A)') def scalar(A): if not isinstance(A,Mv): raise ValueError('A = ' + str(A) + ' not a multivector in inv(A).') return A.scalar() if __name__ == "__main__": pass