Source code for

Multivector Linear Transformation

import inspect
import types
import itertools
import warnings
from copy import copy
from functools import reduce
from typing import Mapping

from sympy import (
    expand, symbols, Matrix, Transpose, zeros, Symbol, Function, S, Add, Expr
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter as _LatexPrinter
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter as _StrPrinter

from ._utils import cached_property as _cached_property

from . import printer
from . import metric
from . import mv

# Add custom settings to the builtin latex printer
    'galgebra_mlt_lcnt': 1
    'galgebra_mlt_lcnt': 1

def Symbolic_Matrix(root, coords=None, mode='g', f=False, sub=True):
    if sub:
        pos = '_'
        pos = '__'
    if isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)):
        n = len(coords)
        n_range = range(n)
        mat = zeros(n)
        if mode == 'g':  # General symbolic matrix
            for row in n_range:
                row_index = str(coords[row])
                for col in n_range:
                    col_index = str(coords[col])
                    element = root + pos + row_index + col_index
                    if not f:
                        mat[row, col] = Symbol(element, real=True)
                        mat[row, col] = Function(element)(*coords)

        elif mode == 's':  # Symmetric symbolic matrix
            for row in n_range:
                row_index = str(coords[row])
                for col in n_range:
                    col_index = str(coords[col])
                    if row <= col:
                        element = root + pos + row_index + col_index
                        element = root + pos + col_index + row_index
                    if not f:
                        mat[row, col] = Symbol(element, real=True)
                        mat[row, col] = Function(element)(*coords)

        elif mode == 'a':  # Asymmetric symbolic matrix
            for row in n_range:
                row_index = str(coords[row])
                for col in n_range:
                    col_index = str(coords[col])
                    if row <= col:
                        sign = S.One
                        element = root + pos + row_index + col_index
                        sign = -S.One
                        element = root + pos + col_index + row_index
                    if row == col:
                        sign = S.Zero
                    if not f:
                        mat[row, col] = sign * Symbol(element, real=True)
                        mat[row, col] = sign * Function(element)(*coords)
            raise ValueError('In Symbolic_Matrix mode = ' + str(mode))
        raise ValueError('In Symbolic_Matrix coords = ' + str(coords))
    return mat

[docs] def Matrix_to_dictionary(mat_rep, basis): """ Convert matrix representation of linear transformation to dictionary """ n = len(basis) if mat_rep.rows != n or mat_rep.cols != n: raise ValueError('Matrix and Basis dimensions not equal for Matrix = ' + str(mat_rep)) n_range = list(range(n)) return { basis[col]: sum( (mat_rep[row, col]*basis[row] for row in n_range), S.Zero ) for col in n_range }
[docs] def Dictionary_to_Matrix(dict_rep, ga): """ Convert dictionary representation of linear transformation to matrix """ lst_mat = [] # list representation of sympy matrix for e_row in ga.basis: lst_mat_row = len(ga.basis) * [S.Zero] element = dict_rep.get(e_row, S.Zero) if isinstance(element, mv.Mv): element = element.obj for coef, base in metric.linear_expand_terms(element): index = ga.basis.index(base) lst_mat_row[index] = coef lst_mat.append(lst_mat_row) # expand the transpose return Transpose(Matrix(lst_mat)).doit()
[docs] class Lt(printer.GaPrintable): r""" A Linear Transformation Except for the spinor representation the linear transformation is stored as a dictionary with basis vector keys and vector values ``self.lt_dict`` so that a is a vector :math:`a = a^{i}e_{i}` then .. math:: \mathtt{self(}a\mathtt{)} = a^{i} * \mathtt{\_dict[}e_{i}\mathtt{]}. For the spinor representation the linear transformation is stored as the even multivector ``self.R`` so that if a is a vector:: self(a) = self.R * a * self.R.rev(). Attributes ---------- lt_dict : dict the keys are the basis symbols, :math:`e_i`, and the dictionary entries are the object vector images (linear combination of sympy non-commutative basis symbols) of the keys so that if ``L`` is the linear transformation then:: L(e_i) =[e_i]) """ @staticmethod def setup(ga): # galgebra 0.5.0 warnings.warn( "Lt.setup(ga) is deprecated, use `ga.coords` and `ga.coord_vec` " "directly.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return ga.coords, ga.coord_vec @property def coords(self): # galgebra 0.6.0 warnings.warn( "lt.coords is deprecated, use `lt.Ga.coords` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.Ga.coords @property def X(self): # galgebra 0.6.0 warnings.warn( "lt.X is deprecated, use `lt.Ga.coord_vec` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.Ga.coord_vec @property def mode(self): # galgebra 0.6.0 warnings.warn( "lt.mode is deprecated, inspect lt.matrix() and its transpose to " "determine symmetry", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) m = self.matrix() if m == m.T: return 's' elif m == -m.T: return 'a' else: return 'g' @property def fct_flg(self): # galgebra 0.6.0 warnings.warn( "lt.fct_flg is deprecated, inspect lt.matrix().free_symbols to " "determine coordinate-dependence", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if self.Ga.coords is None: return False return set(self.Ga.coords) <= self.matrix().free_symbols def __init__(self, *args, ga, f=False, mode='g'): """ __init__(self, *args, ga, **kwargs) Note this constructor is overloaded, based on the type of the positional argument: .. class:: Lt(lt_dict: Dict[Expr, Expr], /, *, ga) :noindex: Construct from a dictionary mapping source basis blade expressions to multivectors. .. class:: Lt(lt_matrix: Matrix, /, *, ga) :noindex: Construct from the operation of matrix pre-multiplication. .. class:: Lt(spinor: mv.Mv, /, *, ga) :noindex: Construct from a spinor / rotor, which need not square to one. .. class:: Lt(func: Callable[[mv.Mv], mv.Mv], /, *, ga) :noindex: Construct from a function, which is tested for linearity. .. class:: Lt(s: str, /, *, ga, f=False, mode='g') :noindex: Construct an appropriate matrix from a string `s`. Parameters ---------- ga : Ga Geometric algebra which is the domain and codomain of this transform f : bool True if Lt if function of coordinates. Only supported in the string constructor mode : str g:general, s:symmetric, a:antisymmetric transformation. Only supported in the string constructor. """ mat_rep = args[0] self.Ga = ga self.spinor = False self.rho_sq = None self.lt_dict = {} self.mat = None if isinstance(mat_rep, dict): # Dictionary input for key in mat_rep: self.lt_dict[key] = mat_rep[key] elif isinstance(mat_rep, list): # List of lists input if not isinstance(mat_rep[0], list): for lt_i, base in zip(mat_rep, self.Ga.basis): self.lt_dict[base] = lt_i else: # mat_rep = map(list, zip(*mat_rep)) # Transpose list of lists for row, base1 in zip(mat_rep, self.Ga.basis): tmp = 0 for col, base2 in zip(row, self.Ga.basis): tmp += col * base2 self.lt_dict[base1] = tmp elif isinstance(mat_rep, Matrix): # Matrix input self.mat = mat_rep mat_rep = self.mat * self.Ga.g_inv self.lt_dict = Matrix_to_dictionary(mat_rep, self.Ga.basis) elif isinstance(mat_rep, mv.Mv): # Spinor input self.spinor = True self.R = mat_rep self.Rrev = mat_rep.rev() self.rho_sq = self.R * self.Rrev if self.rho_sq.is_scalar(): self.rho_sq = self.rho_sq.scalar() if self.rho_sq == S.One: self.rho_sq = None else: raise ValueError('In Spinor input for Lt, S*S.rev() not a scalar!\n') elif isinstance(mat_rep, str): # String input Amat = Symbolic_Matrix(mat_rep, coords=self.Ga.coords, mode=mode, f=f) self.__init__(Amat, ga=self.Ga) elif callable(mat_rep): # Linear multivector function input # F is a multivector function to be tested for linearity F = mat_rep a = mv.Mv('a', 'vector', ga=self.Ga) b = mv.Mv('b', 'vector', ga=self.Ga) if F(a + b) != F(a) + F(b): raise ValueError('{} is not linear'.format(F)) self.lt_dict = {} for base in self.Ga.basis: out = F(mv.Mv(base, ga=self.Ga)) if not out.is_vector(): raise ValueError('{} must return vectors'.format(F)) self.lt_dict[base] = out.obj else: raise TypeError("Unsupported argument type {}".format(type(mat_rep))) @_cached_property def mv_dict(self) -> Mapping[Expr, Expr]: # dict for linear transformation of multivector if self.spinor: # no lt_dict return None return { blade: reduce( self.Ga.wedge, (self.Ga.basis[i].xreplace(self.lt_dict) for i in index), S.One ) for index, blade in self.Ga.indexes_to_blades_dict.items() }
[docs] def __call__(self, v, obj=False): r""" Returns the image of the multivector :math:`A` under the linear transformation :math:`L`. :math:`{{L}\lp {A} \rp }` is defined by the linearity of :math:`L`, the vector values :math:`{{L}\lp {{{\eb}}_{i}} \rp }`, and the definition :math:`{{L}\lp {{{\eb}}_{i_{1}}{\wedge}\dots{\wedge}{{\eb}}_{i_{r}}} \rp } = {{L}\lp {{{\eb}}_{i_{1}}} \rp }{\wedge}\dots{\wedge}{{L}\lp {{{\eb}}_{i_{r}}} \rp }`. """ if isinstance(v, mv.Mv) and self.Ga != v.Ga: raise ValueError('In Lt call Lt and argument refer to different vector spaces') if self.spinor: if not isinstance(v, mv.Mv): v = mv.Mv(v, ga=self.Ga) if self.rho_sq is None: R_v_Rrev = self.R * v * self.Rrev else: R_v_Rrev = self.rho_sq * self.R * v * self.Rrev if obj: return R_v_Rrev.obj else: return R_v_Rrev if isinstance(v, mv.Mv): if v.is_vector(): lt_v = v.obj.xreplace(self.lt_dict) if obj: return lt_v else: return mv.Mv(lt_v, ga=self.Ga) else: mv_obj = v.obj else: mv_obj = mv.Mv(v, ga=self.Ga).obj lt_v = mv_obj.xreplace(self.mv_dict) if obj: return lt_v else: return mv.Mv(lt_v, ga=self.Ga)
def __add__(self, LT): if self.Ga != LT.Ga: raise ValueError("Attempting addition of Lt's from different geometric algebras") self_add_LT = copy(self.lt_dict) for key in list(LT.lt_dict.keys()): if key in self_add_LT: self_add_LT[key] = metric.collect(self_add_LT[key] + LT.lt_dict[key], self.Ga.basis) else: self_add_LT[key] = LT.lt_dict[key] return Lt(self_add_LT, ga=self.Ga) def __sub__(self, LT): if self.Ga != LT.Ga: raise ValueError("Attempting subtraction of Lt's from different geometric algebras") self_add_LT = copy(self.lt_dict) for key in list(LT.lt_dict.keys()): if key in self_add_LT: self_add_LT[key] = metric.collect(self_add_LT[key] - LT.lt_dict[key], self.Ga.basis) else: self_add_LT[key] = -LT.lt_dict[key] return Lt(self_add_LT, ga=self.Ga) def __mul__(self, LT): if isinstance(LT, Lt): if self.Ga != LT.Ga: raise ValueError("Attempting multiplication of Lt's from different geometric algebras") self_mul_LT = {} for base in LT.lt_dict: self_mul_LT[base] = self(LT(base, obj=True), obj=True) for key in self_mul_LT: self_mul_LT[key] = metric.collect(expand(self_mul_LT[key]), self.Ga.basis) return Lt(self_mul_LT, ga=self.Ga) else: self_mul_LT = {} for key in self.lt_dict: self_mul_LT[key] = LT * self.lt_dict[key] return Lt(self_mul_LT, ga=self.Ga) def __rmul__(self, LT): if not isinstance(LT, Lt): self_mul_LT = {} for key in self.lt_dict: self_mul_LT[key] = LT * self.lt_dict[key] return Lt(self_mul_LT, ga=self.Ga) else: raise TypeError('Cannot have LT as left argument in Lt __rmul__\n')
[docs] def det(self) -> Expr: # det(L) defined by L(I) = det(L)I r""" Returns the determinant (a scalar) of the linear transformation, :math:`L`, defined by :math:`{{\det}\lp {L} \rp }I = {{L}\lp {I} \rp }`. """ lt_I = self(self.Ga.i, obj=True) det_lt_I = lt_I.subs(self.Ga.i.obj, S.One) return det_lt_I
[docs] def tr(self) -> Expr: # tr(L) defined by tr(L) = grad|L(x) r""" Returns the trace (a scalar) of the linear transformation, :math:`L`, defined by :math:`{{\operatorname{tr}}\lp {L} \rp }=\nabla_{a}\cdot{{L}\lp {a} \rp }` where :math:`a` is a vector in the tangent space. """ connect_flg = self.Ga.connect_flg self.Ga.connect_flg = False F_x = mv.Mv(self(self.Ga.coord_vec, obj=True), ga=self.Ga) tr_F = (self.Ga.grad | F_x).scalar() self.Ga.connect_flg = connect_flg return tr_F
[docs] def adj(self) -> 'Lt': r""" Returns the adjoint (a linear transformation) of the linear transformation, :math:`L`, defined by :math:`a\cdot{{L}\lp {b} \rp } = b\cdot{{\bar{L}}\lp {a} \rp }` where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are any two vectors in the tangent space and :math:`\bar{L}` is the adjoint of :math:`L`. """ self_adj = [] for e_j in self.Ga.basis: s = S.Zero for e_i, er_i in zip(self.Ga.basis, self.Ga.r_basis): s += er_i * self.Ga.hestenes_dot(e_j, self(e_i, obj=True)) if self.Ga.is_ortho: self_adj.append(expand(s)) else: self_adj.append(expand(s) / self.Ga.e_sq) return Lt(self_adj, ga=self.Ga)
def inv(self): if self.spinor: Lt_inv = Lt(self.Rrev, ga=self.Ga) Lt_inv.rho_sq = S.One/(self.rho_sq**2) else: raise ValueError('Lt inverse currently implemented only for spinor!\n') return Lt_inv def _sympystr(self, print_obj): if self.spinor: return 'R = ' + print_obj._print(self.R) else: pre = 'Lt(' s = '' for base in self.Ga.basis: if base in self.lt_dict: s += pre + print_obj._print(base) + ') = ' + print_obj._print(mv.Mv(self.lt_dict[base], ga=self.Ga)) + '\n' else: s += pre + print_obj._print(base) + ') = 0\n' return s[:-1] def _latex(self, print_obj): parts = [] for base in self.Ga.basis: if self.spinor: val = self.R * mv.Mv(base, ga=self.Ga) * self.Rrev else: val = mv.Mv(self.lt_dict.get(base, S.Zero), ga=self.Ga) parts.append(print_obj._print(base) + ' &\\mapsto ' + print_obj._print(val)) return '\\left\\{ \\begin{aligned} ' + ' \\\\ '.join(parts) + ' \\end{aligned} \\right\\}' def Fmt(self, fmt=1, title=None) -> printer.GaPrintable: return printer._FmtResult(self, title)
[docs] def matrix(self) -> Matrix: r""" Returns the matrix representation of the linear transformation, :math:`L`, defined by :math:`{{L}\lp {{{\eb}}_{i}} \rp } = L_{ij}{{\eb}}_{j}` where :math:`L_{ij}` is the matrix representation. """ if self.mat is not None: return self.mat else: if self.spinor: self.lt_dict = {} for base in self.Ga.basis: self.lt_dict[base] = self(base).simplify() self.spinor = False mat = self.matrix() self.spinor = True return mat else: """ mat_rep = [] for base in self.Ga.basis: if base in self.lt_dict: row = [] image = (self.lt_dict[base]) if isinstance(image, mv.Mv): image = image.obj coefs, bases = metric.linear_expand(image) for base in self.Ga.basis: try: i = bases.index(base) row.append(coefs[i]) except: row.append(0) mat_rep.append(row) else: mat_rep.append(self.Ga.n * [0]) return Matrix(mat_rep).transpose() """ self.mat = Dictionary_to_Matrix(self.lt_dict, self.Ga) * self.Ga.g return self.mat
[docs] class Mlt(printer.GaPrintable): r""" A multilinear transformation (mlt) is a multilinear multivector function of a list of vectors (``*args``) :math:`F(v_1,...,v_r)` where for any argument slot :math:`j` we have (:math:`a` is a scalar and :math:`u_j` a vector) .. math:: F(v_1,...,a*v_j,...,v_r) &= a*F(v_1,...,v_j,...,v_r) \\ F(v_1,...,v_j+u_j,...,v_r) &= F(v_1,...,v_j,...,v_r) + F(v_1,...,u_j,...,v_r). If F and G are two :class:`Mlt`\ s with the same number of argument slots then the sum is .. math:: (F+G)F(v_1,...,v_r) = F(v_1,...,v_r) + G(v_1,...,v_r). If :math:`F` and :math:`G` are two :class:`Mlt`\ s with :math:`r` and :math:`s` argument slots then their product is .. math:: (F*G)(v_1,...,v_r,...,v_{r+s}) = F(v_1,...,v_r)*G(v_{r+1},...,v_{r+s}), where :math:`*` is any of the multivector multiplicative operations. The derivative of a :class:`Mlt` with is defined as the directional derivative with respect to the coordinate vector (we assume :math:`F` is implicitely a function of the coordinates) .. math:: F(v_1,...,v_r;v_{r+1}) = (v_{r+1} \bullet \nabla)F(v_1,...,v_j,...,v_r). The contraction of a :class:`Mlt` between slots :math:`j` and :math:`k` is defined as the geometric derivative of :math:`F` with respect to slot :math:`k` and the inner geometric derivative with respect to slot :math:`j` (this gives the standard tensor definition of contraction for the case that :math:`F` is a scalar function) .. math:: \operatorname{Contract}(i,j,F) &= \nabla_i \bullet (\nabla_j F(v_1,...,v_i,...,v_j,...,v_r)) \\ &= \nabla_j \bullet (\nabla_i F(v_1,...,v_i,...,v_j,...,v_r)). This returns a :class:`Mlt`\ with slot :math:`i` and :math:`j` removed. """ @staticmethod def subs(Ga, anew): # Generate coefficient substitution list for new Mlt slot # vectors (arguments) where anew is a list of slot vectors # to be substituted for the old slot vectors. # This is used when one wishes to substitute specific vector # values into the Mlt such as the basis/reciprocal basis vectors. sub_lst = [] for i, a in enumerate(anew): acoefs = a.get_coefs(1) sub_lst += list(zip(Ga._mlt_pdiffs[i], acoefs)) return sub_lst @staticmethod def increment_slots(nargs, Ga): # Increment cache of available slots (vector variables) if needed for Mlt class n_a = len(Ga._mlt_a) if n_a < nargs: for i in range(n_a, nargs): # New slot variable with coefficients a_{n_a}__k a ='a_' + str(i + 1), 'vector') # Append new slot variable a_j Ga._mlt_a.append(a) # Append slot variable coefficients a_j__k for purpose # of differentiation coefs = a.get_coefs(1) Ga._mlt_pdiffs.append(coefs) Ga._mlt_acoefs += coefs @staticmethod def extact_basis_indexes(Ga): # galgebra 0.5.0 warnings.warn( "`Mlt.extact_basis_indexes(ga)` is deprecated, use `ga.basis_super_scripts`", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return Ga.basis_super_scripts def _sympystr(self, print_obj): return print_obj._print(self.fvalue) def _latex(self, print_obj): if self.nargs <= 1: return print_obj._print(self.fvalue) expr_lst = Mlt.expand_expr(self.fvalue, self.Ga) latex_str = '\\begin{aligned} ' first = True lcnt = print_obj._settings['galgebra_mlt_lcnt'] cnt = 1 # Component count on line for term in expr_lst: coef_str = str(term[0]) coef_latex = print_obj._print(term[0]) term_add_flg = isinstance(term[0], Add) if term_add_flg: coef_latex = r'\left ( ' + coef_latex + r'\right ) ' if first: first = False else: if coef_str[0].strip() != '-' or term_add_flg: coef_latex = ' + ' + coef_latex for aij in term[1]: coef_latex += print_obj._print(aij) + ' ' if cnt == 1: latex_str += ' & ' + coef_latex else: latex_str += coef_latex if cnt % lcnt == 0: latex_str += '\\\\ ' cnt = 1 else: cnt += 1 if lcnt == len(expr_lst) or lcnt == 1: latex_str = latex_str[:-3] latex_str = latex_str + ' \\end{aligned} ' return latex_str
[docs] def Fmt(self, lcnt=1, title=None) -> printer.GaPrintable: """ Set format for printing of Tensors Parameters ---------- lcnt : Number of components per line Notes ----- Usage for tensor T example is:: T.fmt('2', 'T') output is:: print 'T = '+str(A) with two components per line. Works for both standard printing and for latex. """ obj = printer._WithSettings(self, dict(galgebra_mlt_lcnt=lcnt)) return printer._FmtResult(obj, title)
@staticmethod def expand_expr(expr, ga): lst_expr = [] expr = expand(expr) for term in expr.args: coef = S.One a_lst = [] for factor in term.args: if factor in ga._mlt_acoefs: a_lst.append(factor) else: coef *= factor a_lst = tuple([x for x in a_lst if x in ga._mlt_acoefs]) b_lst = tuple([ga._mlt_acoefs.index(x) for x in a_lst]) lst_expr.append((coef, a_lst, b_lst)) lst_expr = sorted(lst_expr, key=lambda x: x[2]) new_lst_expr = [] previous = (-1,) first = True a = None for term in lst_expr: if previous == term[2]: coef += term[0] previous = term[2] else: if not first: new_lst_expr.append((coef, a)) else: first = False coef = term[0] previous = term[2] a = term[1] new_lst_expr.append((coef, a)) return new_lst_expr def __init__(self, f, Ga, nargs=None, fct=False): # f is a function, a multivector, a string, or a component expression # self.f is a function or None such as T | a_1 where T and a_1 are vectors # self.fvalue is a component expression such as # T_x*a_1__x+T_y*a_1__y+T_z*a_1__z for a rank 1 tensor in 3 space and all # symbols are sympy real scalar symbols self.Ga = Ga if isinstance(f, mv.Mv): if f.is_vector(): # f is vector T = f | a1 self.nargs = 1 Mlt.increment_slots(1, Ga) self.fvalue = (f | Ga._mlt_a[0]).obj self.f = None else: # To be inplemented for f a general pure grade mulitvector self.nargs = nargs self.fvalue = f self.f = None elif isinstance(f, Lt): # f is linear transformation T = a1 | f(a2) self.nargs = 2 Mlt.increment_slots(2, Ga) self.fvalue = (Ga._mlt_a[0] | f(Ga._mlt_a[1])).obj self.f = None elif isinstance(f, str) and nargs is not None: self.f = None self.nargs = nargs Mlt.increment_slots(nargs, Ga) self.fvalue = S.Zero for t_index, a_prod in zip(itertools.product(self.Ga.basis_super_scripts, repeat=self.nargs), itertools.product(*self.Ga._mlt_pdiffs)): name = '{}_{}'.format(f, ''.join(map(str, t_index))) if fct: # Tensor field coef = Function(name, real=True)(*self.Ga.coords) else: # Constant Tensor coef = symbols(name, real=True) self.fvalue += reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, a_prod, coef) else: if isinstance(f, types.FunctionType): # Tensor defined by general multi-linear function args = inspect.getfullargspec(f)[0] self.nargs = len(args) self.f = f Mlt.increment_slots(self.nargs, Ga) self.fvalue = f(*tuple(Ga._mlt_a[0:self.nargs])) else: # Tensor defined by component expression raise NotImplementedError # self.f = None # self.nargs = len(args) # args isn't defined, which is why we raise NotImplementedError # Mlt.increment_slots(self.nargs, Ga) # self.fvalue = f
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """ Evaluate the multilinear function for the given vector arguments. Note that a sympy scalar is returned, *not* a multilinear function. """ if len(args) == 0: return self.fvalue if self.f is not None: return self.f(*args) else: sub_lst = [] for x, ai in zip(args, self.Ga._mlt_pdiffs): for r_base, aij in zip(self.Ga.r_basis_mv, ai): sub_lst.append((aij, (r_base | x).scalar())) return self.fvalue.subs(sub_lst, simultaneous=True)
def __add__(self, X): if isinstance(X, Mlt): if self.nargs == X.nargs: return Mlt(self.fvalue + X.fvalue, self.Ga, self.nargs) else: raise ValueError('In Mlt add number of args not the same\n') else: raise TypeError('In Mlt add second argument not an Mkt\n') def __sub__(self, X): if isinstance(X, Mlt): if self.nargs == X.nargs: return Mlt(self.fvalue - X.fvalue, self.Ga, self.nargs) else: raise ValueError('In Mlt sub number of args not the same\n') else: raise TypeError('In Mlt sub second argument not an Mlt\n') def __mul__(self, X): if isinstance(X, Mlt): nargs = self.nargs + X.nargs Mlt.increment_slots(nargs, self.Ga) self_args = self.Ga._mlt_a[:self.nargs] X_args = X.Ga._mlt_a[self.nargs:nargs] value = (self(*self_args) * X(*X_args)).expand() return Mlt(value, self.Ga, nargs) else: return Mlt(X * self.fvalue, self.Ga, self.nargs) def __xor__(self, X): if isinstance(X, Mlt): nargs = self.nargs + X.nargs Mlt.increment_slots(nargs, self.Ga) value = self(*self.Ga._mlt_a[:self.nargs]) ^ X(*X.Ga._mlt_a[self.nargs:nargs]) return Mlt(value, self.Ga, nargs) else: return Mlt(X * self.fvalue, self.Ga, self.nargs) def __or__(self, X): if isinstance(X, Mlt): nargs = self.nargs + X.nargs Mlt.increment_slots(nargs, self.Ga) value = self(*self.Ga._mlt_a[:self.nargs]) | X(*X.Ga._mlt_a[self.nargs:nargs]) return Mlt(value, self.Ga, nargs) else: return Mlt(X * self.fvalue, self.Ga, self.nargs) def dd(self): Mlt.increment_slots(self.nargs + 1, self.Ga) dd_fvalue = (self.Ga._mlt_a[self.nargs] | self.Ga.grad) * self.fvalue return Mlt(dd_fvalue, self.Ga, self.nargs + 1)
[docs] def pdiff(self, slot: int): r""" Returns gradient of tensor, ``T``, with respect to slot vector. For example if the tensor is :math:`{{T}\lp {a_{1},a_{2}} \rp }` then ``T.pdiff(2)`` is :math:`\nabla_{a_{2}}T`. Since ``T`` is a scalar function, ``T.pdiff(2)`` is a vector function. """ # Take geometric derivative of mlt with respect to slot argument self.Ga.dslot = slot - 1 return self.Ga.grad *
@staticmethod def remove_slot(mv, slot, nargs, ga): if slot == nargs: return mv for islot in range(slot, nargs): mv = mv.subs(list(zip(ga._mlt_pdiffs[islot], ga._mlt_pdiffs[islot - 1]))) return mv
[docs] def contract(self, slot1: int, slot2: int): """ Returns contraction of tensor between ``slot1`` and ``slot2`` where ``slot1`` is the index of the first vector argument and ``slot2`` is the index of the second vector argument of the tensor. For example if we have a rank two tensor, ``T(a1, a2)``, then ``T.contract(1, 2)`` is the contraction of ``T``. For this case since there are only two slots, there can only be one contraction. """ min_slot = min(slot1, slot2) max_slot = max(slot1, slot2) cnargs = self.nargs - 2 self.Ga.dslot = min_slot - 1 grad_self = self.Ga.grad * grad_self = Mlt.remove_slot(grad_self.obj, min_slot, self.nargs, self.Ga) self.Ga.dslot = max_slot - 2 div_grad_self = self.Ga.grad | div_grad_self = Mlt.remove_slot(div_grad_self.obj, max_slot - 1, self.nargs - 1, self.Ga) return Mlt(div_grad_self, self.Ga, cnargs)
[docs] def cderiv(self): """ Returns covariant derivative of tensor field. If ``T`` is a tensor of rank :math:`k` then ``T.cderiv()`` is a tensor of rank :math:`k+1`. The operation performed is defined in section :ref:`MLtrans`. """ Mlt.increment_slots(self.nargs + 1, self.Ga) agrad = self.Ga._mlt_a[self.nargs] | self.Ga.grad CD = Mlt((agrad *, self.Ga, self.nargs + 1) if CD != 0: CD = CD.fvalue for i in range(self.nargs): args = self.Ga._mlt_a[:self.nargs] tmp = agrad * self.Ga._mlt_a[i] if tmp.obj != 0: args[i] = tmp CD = CD - self(*args) CD = Mlt(CD, self.Ga, self.nargs + 1) return CD
def expand(self): self.fvalue = expand(self.fvalue) return self def comps(self): basis = rank = self.nargs ndim = len(basis) i_indexes = itertools.product(list(range(ndim)), repeat=rank) indexes = itertools.product(basis, repeat=rank) output = '' for i, (e, i_index) in enumerate(zip(indexes, i_indexes)): if i_index[-1] % ndim == 0: print('') output += str(i)+':'+str(i_index)+':'+str(self(*e)) + '\n' return output